Audio by Ushy Fried

80:9 It's forbidden to remove honey joined to a beehive.1 Similarly, it's forbidden to crush a honeycomb, even if it was removed yesterday (Friday) from the beehive.2 If one didn't crush it before Shabbat, then the honey which flows from it on Shabbat is forbidden.3 However, the honey which flows (on Shabbat) from the hive itself, is permitted.4

1) One of the activities Biblically prohibited on Shabbat is ''Tolesh'' (lit: ''detaching''), which is defined as detaching vegetation, grain or fruit from the ground or from something growing on the ground (in other words, cutting a natural product from its source of life), such as picking an apple off a tree.The Sages felt that removing honey from the hive resembles ''Tolesh'' and so prohibited it. 2) One of the activities Biblically prohibited on Shabbat is called ''Mefarek'', which is defined as separating a natural product from its natural container, such as separating the grain from the chaff. Crushing the honeycomb so that the honey flow out, is included in this prohibition. 3) Until after Shabbat. 4) The Sages were concerned that if they would allow one to take the honey which flowed out naturally on Shabbat, then one might come to actually crush the honeycomb in order to actively extract more. If, however, one crushed the honeycomb thoroughly before Shabbat, one may then use the honey which flows out naturally on Shabbat.

אסור לרדות דבש המחובר בכוורת וכן אסור לרסק חלות דבש אפילו נתלשו אתמול מהכוורת ואם לא ריסק אותו קודם שבת אזי הדבש הזב ממנו בשבת אסור אבל הדבש הזב בכוורת מותר
80:10 Fruit which became scattered in one area of a house or courtyard may be gathered together.1 If, however, they are scattered all over the place, in a way that one needs to work hard to gather them, it's forbidden to gather them together in a basket.2 Rather, one should pick them (up individually) and eat them.

1) Into a basket on Shabbat. See Shulchan Aruch, O''H, 335:5. 2) The Sages prohibited any weekday type of activity on Shabbat, even though it is not a violation of one of the 39 types of activities that are Biblically prohibited (''Melachot''); this category of prohibition is called ''Uvda DeChol'' (lit: ''weekday work''). There is a Biblically prohibited Melacha called ''Meamer'' (lit: ''making a heap'') which forbids forming a usable bundle out of natural produce. However, most authorities rule that the Biblical prohibition only applies if they are scattered in the place they grew, and therefore, according to these authorities, this Melacha is not applicable to this case.

פירות שנתפזרו במקום אחד בבית או בחצר מותר לקבצם אבל אם נתפזרו אחד הנה ואחד הנה דאיכא טירחא לקבצם אסור לקבצם לתוך הסל אלא מלקט ואוכל

80:11 Legumes and the like which are in their pods and are called ''sharvit''1 if the pods are still soft and also fit to be eaten, it's permitted to open them and remove (from the pods) the peas (since this is considered removing food from food). However, if the pods have dried and are no longer edible, it is forbidden to remove from them the peas.2 Similarly, one should be careful not to remove walnuts from their (soft) green (outer) shell.3 Similarly, (not to remove) sesame seeds from their shell.4

1) Vegetables with pods coming off the stem. 2) When the pod or shell is inedible, removing the food from inside it would be a violation of the Melacha called ''Mefarek'', defined as the removal of a natural product from its natural container. This activity might, in certain circumstances, also constitute a violation of the Melacha called ''Borer'' (lit: ''sorting'') which includes separating the inedible from the edible. 3) The soft green shell covers the very hard shell. According to the Mishna Berurah (319:24), it would be allowed to crack the hard shell on Shabbat, and also to peel off the thin layer of shell which is connected to the nut itself, in order to eat the nut. 4) According to some, it's allowed to remove peas from an inedible pod or nuts and sesame seeds from their shells, as long as one does it in an unusual manner (''Shinui'') and one's intent is to eat them immediately (Shulchan Aruch, O''H, 319:5 and Mishna Berurah 21).

קטניות וכדומה שהן בקליפתן שקורין שרביט אם הקליפות עדיין לחות וראויות גם כן לאכילה מותר לפתחן ולקחת מהן את הקטניות דהוי כמפריד אוכל מאוכל אבל אם הקליפות נתייבשו ואינן ראויות עוד לאכילה אסור לקחת מהן את הקטניות וכן יש ליזהר מלהוציא את האגוזים מתוך הקליפה הירוקה שלהן וכן השומשמין מתוך הקליפה

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