Audio by Ushy Fried

80:84 A press which is two parallel boards and one presses between them clothes, if it is a household press, it's allowed to open it to remove clothes needed for Shabbat and festivals, however, one doesn't press (clothes) in it, because it's considered a weekday need. A launderer's press, or that of other craftsmen, is forbidden to be opened, since (the boards) are clamped together tightly, opening it would resemble an act of ''Dismantling''. Even if it was (slightly) open from Friday, it's forbidden to take clothing from it on Shabbat and festivals. . This is a rabbinical ''fence'' out of concern that one would come to open it now.1

1) According to the Mishna Berurah 302:21, if the press was completely open from before Shabbat began, it's allowed to remove clothes from it on Shabbat, according to all opinions. However, there is a dispute among the authorities as to whether one may remove clothing on Shabbat, from a press that was only slightly open from before Shabbat.

מכבש והם שני לוחות זה על זה וכובשין ביניהם בגדים אם המכבש הוא של בעלי הבית מותר לפתחו לקחת הבגדים לצורך שבת ויום טוב אבל אין כובשין אותו לפי שהוא לצורך חול ומכבש של כובסין או שאר אומנין אסור לפתוח דכיון שהוא מהודק בחוזק פתיחתו דומה לסתירה ואפילו אם היה פתוח מבעוד יום אסור לקחת משם את הבגדים בשבת ויום טוב גזרה שמא יבא לפתחו עתה
80:85 A stool which had one of its legs become detached, it's forbidden to reattach it.1 It's also forbidden to support it on another stool,2 unless one has already sat on it in that manner.3 However, it's allowed to place a board on stools, or on pieces of wood that were prepared before Shabbat for that purpose.

1) It's even prohibited to reinsert the leg in a loose manner, for fear that one might reinsert it tightly and permanently, thereby violating the prohibition against ''Building'' - ''Boneh'' - or, according to some, the prohibition called ''Makeh BePatish'' (which prohibits putting the finishing touches on certain labors). See also Mishna Berurah 308:68 and 313:41. 2) The Sages were concerned that if one was allowed to move the stool in order to support it on something, then one might come to reattach the leg. However, it's allowed to sit on the defective stool, without moving it or leaning it on something (Mishna Berurah 308:70). 3) From before Shabbat.

ספסל שנשמט אחד מרגליו אסור להחזירו וגם אסור לסמכו על ספסל אחר אלא אם כן כבר ישב עליו כך אבל מותר להניח דף על ספסלים או על חתיכות עצים שהכינם מערב שבת לכך

80:86 An object which displays the time, (types of clocks or watches) even if it's still working, it's forbidden to wind it up on Shabbat or festivals so that it doesn't stop working.1 On the second day of a festival2 one may be lenient, as long as it's still going, to wind it up for the purpose of the holiday, but not for the following day. For the needs of a sick person one should allow this in any case,3 if one can't find a Gentile (to wind it up for you) easily.4

1) According to the Mishna Berurah 338:15, it's also forbidden to shake a watch on Shabbat in order to get it going again. 2) Which only applies outside of Israel. 3) This is permitted only if the watch is still going. 4) A Gentile may wind a watch that's required for a sick person even if it has stopped working (Mishna Berurah 338:15).

כלי המורה את השעות שעון לסוגיו אפילו שעדיין הולך אסור להעריכו בשבת ויום טוב שלא יפסיק הליכתו וביום טוב שני יש להקל כל זמן שעדיין הולך להעריכו לצורך היום אבל לא לצורך יום שלאחריו ולצורך חולה יש להתיר בכל ענין אם אינו נמצא אינו יהודי בנקל

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