Audio by Ushy Fried

80:81 Any partition or canopy that are forbidden to be put up, if it's already made, it's forbidden to take them down since this resembles dismantling a canopy.1

1) We saw that both ''Building'' - ''Boneh'' - and ''Dismantling'' - ''Sotaire'' - are ''Avot Melachot'' (prototype prohibited activities); setting up a canopy, and dismantling a canopy are prohibited as derivatives (''toladot'') of these ''Melachot''.

כל מחיצה או אהל שאסורין לעשותו אם הוא עשוי אסורין להסירו דהוי סותר אהל
80:82 It's forbidden to carry a covering made to protect against the sun or against the rain, that is, an umbrella, because (opening it) creates a canopy.1

1) Some authorities rule that this would be a violation of a Biblical prohibition, while others say that the prohibition against opening an umbrella is rabbinical in nature. It's forbidden to carry an umbrella on Shabbat even if it was left open from before Shabbat, because people might think that it was opened on Shabbat.

אסור לשאת מכסה העשוי להגן מפני החמה או מפני הגשמים שקורין שירם מפני שהוא עושה אהל

80:83 Articles which are made of different parts inserted into each other, if they became separated; if they (the parts) are normally joined together loosely, one may insert them back together the same way. However, if they are normally joined tightly, it's forbidden to reinsert them even loosely.1 Similarly, if they are held together by screws, since they are usually joined tightly, if they have become separated, it's forbidden to reattach them, even loosely. However, covers of vessels are allowed to be removed and also replaced, since they are not made to remain on permanently, only to be opened and closed constantly.2

1) The Rabbis created this prohibition because they were concerned that if one would be allowed to reinsert the parts, one might come to hammer it together with nails; this would constitute a violation of the prohibition against ''Building'' - ''Boneh''. The Sages weren't concerned that one would use nails to hammer together parts which are usually only joined loosely (See Mishna Berurah 313:41). 2) This is true even if they screw on and off, because there is no concern that one may come to hammer the cover on with nails.

כלים שהם של פרקים תחובים זה בזה ונפרדו אם דרכם להיות תמיד רפויים מותר להחזירם כך אבל אם דרכם להיות מהודקים בחוזק אסור להחזירם אפילו ברפיון וכן אם הם מחוברים על ידי חריצים הברגה כיון שדרכם להיות מהודקין בחוזק אם הם פרודים אסור לחברם אפילו ברפיון אך כיסוי כלים מותר להסירם וכן לחברם כיון שאינם עשוים לקיום רק לפתחם ולסתמם תדיר

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