Audio by Ushy Fried

80:75 It is forbidden to defecate in a plowed field on Shabbat.1 (If the field belongs to another person, it's forbidden to enter it, even on weekdays,2 as will be explained in Chapter 183, Law 5).

1) One of the 39 Avot Melachot (prototype prohibited activity) is ''Plowing'' - ''Choresh''; any activity which serves to prepare a field for planting, would be prohibited under this category. A field which has been plowed usually contains a mix of clumps of earth and holes. The Sages prohibited defecation in a plowed field on Shabbat because they were concerned that one might inadvertently move a clump of earth into a hole, and fill it up; leveling out part of the field by filling in a hole makes the planting process easier, and is therefore prohibited (see Mishna Berurah 312:24). 2) This is because walking on a plowed field ruins, to a certain extent, what was achieved by the plowing (Shulchan Aruch 312:9).

אסור לפנות בשדה ניר בשבת ובשל חבירו אסור ליכנס ואפילו בחול כדלקמן סימן קפ''ג סעיף ה'
80:76 A partition, even if it's temporary, if it was done for the purpose of permitting some activity,1 it's forbidden to make it on Shabbat or festival days. Therefore, it's forbidden to make a partition using a curtain or the like, in front of a candle light in order to have sexual relations.2 Similarly, (one can't make a partition) in front of holy texts in order to have relations or relieve oneself because the partition allows these activities,3 by dividing (the space) into a separate domain, and this is considered like making a tent.4 However, it's allowed to covers the texts with two covers one on top of the other, which isn't considered as making a tent. If the curtain hanging before the bed was spread out on Friday (at least) a hand-breadth whether from the side or from above, it may be spread out entirely on Shabbat, because this is considered as only adding to a temporary tent. However, if the hanging curtain is always pulled back to one end (of the bed) and folded, it's not included in the hand-breadth because it's not considered as a tent. Similarly, the partition termed a ''spanish wall'', folding partition, it's forbidden to open it unless it was already slightly open on Friday. However, the space it takes up when folded even though its' side is wider than a hand-breadth, doesn't help to permit.5 However, a temporary partition that wasn't made to permit some activity, but rather to shield one from the sun or to prevent the wind from blowing out candles and the like, it's permitted (on Shabbat) to make it.

1) That would have been halachically forbidden without that partition. 2) It's forbidden to have sexual intercourse when there is a light on in the room. On Shabbat, when one may not turn off the light, one may cover the light, but one may not put up a partition between the bed and the light, that will divide the space into two ''rooms''. In order for the partition to function as a legal ''Mechitzah'', and hence, divide the room, it has to be at least ten ''tefachim'' high and be secure enough so that it wouldn't be blown around in a normal wind. Even if the light is higher than this Mechitzah and can be seen from the bed, it is considered to be in a different room, and hence sexual intercourse is permitted. According to the Magen Avraham, if the partition is high enough so that the source of light cannot be seen from the bed, it would be permissible to erect that partition on Shabbat, because the partition is functioning as a ''cover'' for the light, and not as a divider. The Mishna Berurah (315:10) rules that one can rely on the Magen Avraham in extenuating circumstances. 3) See Chapter 150, Law 6. 4) Which is forbidden on Shabbat. 5) Opening it on Shabbat.

מחיצה אפילו היא עראי אם נעשית להתיר איזה דבר אסור לעשותה בשבת וביום טוב ולכן אסור לעשות מחיצה על ידי וילון וכדומה בפני אור הנר כדי שישמש מטתו וכן לפני ספרים כדי לשמש או לעשות צרכיו דכיון שמחיצה מתרת היא חולקת שם רשות בפני עצמה והרי זה כעושה אהל אבל מותר לכסות הספרים בשני כיסויין זה על זה שאין בזה משום אהל ואם הוילון התלויה לפני המטה היתה מבעוד יום פרוסה טפח בין מן הצד בין מלמעלה מותר בשבת לפרסה כולה משום דהוי רק תוספת אהל עראי אבל מה שהוילון תלויה תמיד בקצה אחת מקופלת לא מצטרף לטפח כיון שאינו לשם אהל וכן המחיצה שקורין ''שפאנישע וואנד'' מחיצה מתקפלת אסור לפתחה אלא אם כן היתה פתוחה קצת מערב שבת אבל מה שהיא עומדת מקופלת אף על פי שהדופן רחב יותר מטפח לא מהני אבל מחיצה עראית שאינה עשויה להתיר איזה דבר אלא להגן בפני החמה או בפני הרוח שלא יכבה הנרות וכדומה מותר לעשותה

80:77 A tent, that is a roof that forms a canopy even though it wasn't done except to guard against the sun or against the rain and the like, and even if it's a temporary tent, if it's one hand-breadth by one hand-breadth and one hand-breadth high it's forbidden to make it. Therefore a baby's cradle where one puts on it hoops of wood, and puts on them a sheet it's forbidden to spread it out on Shabbat or festivals unless it was on Friday (already) spread out one hand-breadth, because this is considered as only adding to a temporary tent, and is allowed. Similarly, if the hoops are closer together than three hands-breadth it's considered like a tent, for the law from Moshe at (Mt.) Sinai is that anything less than three hands-breadth is considered as solid meaning as if they are connected and it's allowed to spread over them a sheet. ואהל דהיינו גג המאהיל אף על פי שאינו נעשה אלא להגן מפני החמה או מפני הגשמים וכדומה ואפילו הוא אהל עראי אם הוא טפח על טפח ברום טפח אסור לעשותו ולכן עריסה של תינוק שנותנים בו חשוקים של עץ ופורסין עליהם סדין אסור לפרוש אותו בשבת וביום טוב אלא אם כן היה מבעוד יום פרוס טפח דהוי רק תוספת אהל ארעי דמותר וכן אם החשוקים סמוכין זה לזה בפחות משלשה טפחים נחשבים כאהל כי הלכה למשה מסיני היא שכל פחות משלשה טפחים חשוב כלבוד פירוש כמחובר וסתום ומותר לפרוס עליהן סדין

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