80:60 A tree, whether fresh or dried out, should not used for any
purpose,1 even if one doesn't cause it to move (causing movement, even
without making use of it, is forbidden (due to) ''Muktza''). One may not
climb up it or hang from it. It's forbidden to place any article on it
or to take an article from it, or to tie to it an animal, or any similar
activity. Even the appendages of the tree are forbidden to be used.
Accordingly, if a basket is suspended from it, it's forbidden to take
anything from inside the basket, or place anything in it, because the
basket is considered an appendage of the tree. If a peg is fixed to the
tree and from it is hanging the basket, it's permitted to take items
from it or place them in it, because the basket is now considered an
''appendage of an appendage'', however, the basket (itself) is forbidden
to be removed from it (the peg) or hung on it, because doing so makes
use of the peg, which is an appendage of the tree.
1) One of the 39 Avot Melachot (prototype prohibited activity) is ''Harvesting'' - ''Kotzer''. Detaching - ''Tolesh'' - anything from its original place of growth is prohibited as a derivative (Toldah) of "Harvesting." The Rabbis prohibited making use of a tree in order to protect people from the possibility of inadvertently detaching something from it. The prohibition even includes making use of visible roots which are at least 3 tefachim (approximately 30cm) above the ground. |
אילן בין שהוא לח בין שהוא יבש אין משתמשין בו שום תשמיש ואף על פי שאינו מנידו דאם מנידו בלאו הכי איכא איסור מוקצה אין עולין בו ואין נתלין בו ואסור להניח עליו איזה חפץ או ליטלו ממנו או לקשור בו בהמה וכל כיוצא בו ואפלו בצדדי האילן אסור להשתמש ולכן אם סל תלוי עליו אסור ליטול איזה דבר מתוך הסל או ליתן לתוכו דהסל הוי צדדי האילן אבל אם יתד תקוע באילן ועליו תלוי סל מותר ליטול או ליתן לתוכו משום דאז הוי הסל צדי צדדין והסל אסור ליקח משם או לתלותו שם משום דמשתמש ביתד דהוי צדדי האילן |
80:61 A container into which one plants herbs or roses (grown) for
beauty or for their aroma,1 is forbidden to detach anything from it just
as it's forbidden to detach (any part) from a tree.2 One must be careful
not to pick up a potted plant that is resting directly on the earth, and
put it in another place.3 Since, while it's resting on the ground, it's
getting nourishment from the earth and will grow, picking it up is
considered like uprooting it. Similarly, if it stood in another place3
it's forbidden to pick it up and place it on the ground, for this is
considered like planting it.4 One must be careful about all these
matters, whether (the pot) is made of wood or earthenware, whether it
has a hole in it or not.
1) One of the 39 Avot Melachot is ''Planting'' - ''Zoreah''. Any activity which enhances the growth of something growing from the ground is prohibited as a derivative of ''Planting''. Therefore, it's also prohibited to water the potted plant. The prohibitions against watering and detaching from a pot plant apply even when the container is not resting directly on the earth. 2) One of the 39 Avot Melachot (prototype prohibited activity) is ''Harvesting'' - ''Kotzer''. Therefore, detaching - ''Tolesh'' - anything from its original place of growth is prohibited as a derivative (Toldah) of ''Harvesting''. 3) Not on the ground. 4) Moving it from place to place on the ground is not considered a problem of uprooting or planting, however, the general prohibition of ''Muktzah'' - ''set apart'' - which prohibits moving certain objects on Shabbat, would apply in certain circumstances. |
כלי שזורעין בו מיני עשבים או שושנים לנוי או להריח אסור לתלוש ממנו כמו שאסור לתלוש מן האילן וצריכין ליזהר שלא לטלטלו מעל גבי קרקע להעמידו במקום אחר דכיון כשהוא עומד על הקרקע מריח הארץ הוא גדל אם כן הנוטלו משם הוי כמו תולש וכן אם עומד במקום אחר אסור ליטלו ולהעמידו על הקרקע משם דבזה הוי כמו זורע וצריכין ליזהר בכל זה בין שהוא של עץ בין שהוא של חרס בין שהוא נקוב בין שאינו נקוב |
80:62 It's forbidden to write or draw any figure,1 even with one's
fingers using liquid (that has spilled) on the table, or on the
condensation (that has collected) on a window pane, and similarly, with
anything even if it won't last. Even to make a mark with one's
fingernail on something (to serve) as a reminder, is forbidden.2 If
there was found wax or the like which dripped on text, even on only one
letter, it's forbidden to remove it.3
1) ''Writing'' - ''Koteiv''- is one of the 39 Avot Melachot (Prototype Prohibited Activity). It's forbidden to write even a single letter, number, symbol or figure. 2) Making a nondescript mark is only forbidden if it will last for a significant amount of time, whereas writing a genuine symbol is forbidden even if it will not last. 3) Doing anything to make a previously illegible letter, legible, is just like writing it. | אסור לכתוב או לעשות איזה ציור אפילו באצבעו עם המשקין שעל השלחן או על ההבל שעל החלון זכוכית וכן בכל דבר אף על פי שאינו מתקיים ואפילו לעשות רושם בעלמא בצפרנו על איזה דבר לסימן אסור נמצא שעוה וכדומה שנטף על הספר אפילו רק על אות אחת אסור להסירו |
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