Audio by Ushy Fried

80:45 Normally, when one needs to tie something with two strings or cords, or when one winds around it one string or cord and ties the two ends together like a belt, one makes two knots one on top of the other, because one knot will not hold tightly. But it's forbidden to do so on Shabbat (using) two knots one on the other, even on something that is usually untied the same day.1 One needs to be careful with a kerchief that one winds around the neck or a scarf, not to make on it, on Shabbat, two knots, similarly, on Friday, (to make sure) that it doesn't have any double-knots, because if there are, it's forbidden to untie them on Shabbat, as will be explained. Similarly to make even one knot at one end of a string or cord, or to hold the two ends together and make one knot on both of them, is forbidden, because by this, also a single knot will hold fast. To make with the two ends together one single knot, and on this a bow,2 if one usually unties it within twenty four hours, is permitted. If not, it's forbidden even if one's intention is to untie it during this time period. However, to make two bows one on the other, is allowed, even many of them, and even if one intends that they remain tied for many days.

1) Tying a knot - ''Koshair'' - is one of the 39 Avot Melachot (prototype prohibited activity). There are a number of principles which define the type of knots that are forbidden on Shabbat (for example, the strength of the knot), but to give just a few examples: A single knot is allowed, as is a slip-knot such as when one ties ones' tie. Double knots aren't allowed. Any knot that one can untie with one hand is generally considered acceptable. The trash bag on Shabbat should be tied by gathering the two ends of the top and tying a single knot. 2) Like when tying shoes.

דרך הוא כשצריכין לקשור איזה דבר בשני חוטין או משיחות או שמסבבין חוט או משיחה אחת וקושרין שתי הקצוות יחד כדרך החגורה עושין שני קשרים זה על גב זה כי בקשר אחד לא יתחזק ואסור לעשות כן בשבת שני קשרים זה על גב זה אפילו בדבר שדרכו להתירו בו ביום וצריכין ליזהר במטפחת שכורכין סביב הצואר או צעיף שלא לעשות בו בשבת שני קשרים וכן בערב שבת לא יהיו בו שני קשרים דאם כן אסור להתירו בשבת כדלקמן וכן לעשות אפילו קשר אחד בראש אחד של חוט או משיחה או ליטול שתי הקצוות זה אצל זה ולעשות בשתיהן ביחד קשר אחד אסור כיון דבזה גם קשר אחד מתקיים ולעשות בשתי קצוות זה עם זה קשר אחד ועליו עניבה אם הוא דבר שדרכו להתירו בו ביום מותר ואם לאו אסור אפילו אם הוא דעתו להתירו בו ביום אבל לעשות שתי עניבות זה על גב זה מותר ואפילו הרבה ואפילו אם דעתו שיעמוד כן ימים רבים
80:46 A knot (of the type) one is forbidden to make, such a knot is also forbidden to untie.1 Where it causes distress, it may be untied by a Gentile.2

1) A knot that was tied inadvertently may be untied on Shabbat. Therefore, if one accidently tied a double-knot in one's shoes, one may undo it. 2) There are certain knots which are only Rabbinically prohibited, namely: a) a non-permanent double-knot; b) a non-permanent single knot in a single strand of rope; c) a knot and bow that were originally meant to remain intact more than twenty-four hours; It's permitted to untie one of these Rabbinically prohibited knots, if: i) leaving it tied would cause considerable physical discomfort; or ii) the existence of the knot prevents the performance of a mitzvah (for example, the Torah scroll is removed from the ark on Shabbat for the communal reading, and one finds that the rope holding the two sides together has been bound using a double-knot.)

קשר שאסורין לעשותו קשר כזה אסורין גם כן להתיר ובמקום צער יש להתיר על ידי אינו יהודי

80:47 It's the way of tailors that before they sew the garment finally, they join the pieces (together) with long (basting) stitches, and afterwards (when it's finished) they remove these threads from the stitches. It's forbidden to remove these on Shabbat.1

1) One of the 39 Avot Melachot ((prototype prohibited activity) is called ''Makkeh Be'Patish'' - lit: ''pounding with a Hammer'' - and refers to putting the finishing touches on an object or a process by pounding with a hammer; for example, a craftsman using a hammer to smooth out some of the bumps in his final product on Shabbat, would be violating this prohibition. Any activity which involves putting the finishing touches on an object might be prohibited as a derivative (Toldah) of the Melacha of ''Makkeh Be'Patish''. Here the removal of the preliminary threads is the final act required in the completion of the new garment, to make it ready for use.

דרך החייטים שקודם שתופרין את הבגד כראוי מחברים את החתיכות בתפירות מרווחות ואחר כך מסירין את החוטין מאלו התפירות ואסור להסירן בשבת

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