Audio by Ushy Fried

80:42 It's forbidden to dye anything even with a non-permanent dye.1 Therefore, a woman is forbidden to (apply) colored (makeup) to her (body or) face.2 One should be careful if one's hands are stained with colored fruit juice, not to wipe them on one's clothes because this will color them. Similarly, blood from the nose or from a cut shouldn't be wiped with a cloth.3

1) One of the 39 Avot Melachot (prototype prohibited activity), is dyeing wool - ''Tzoveah''); therefore, any act which changes or reinforces color, may be prohibited as a derivative (Toldah) of ''Dyeing''. Most authorities agree that there is no prohibition against changing the color of food on Shabbat, unless one's sole purpose is to change the color for decorative reasons. Even when one is adding the colored substance to improve the flavor, it is preferable to add the food to the coloring, and not the coloring to the food (See Mishna Berurah 320:56). 2) One may not even use colorless lipstick and nail polish. 3) According to the Mishna Berurah (328:146, and 320:59), if there is no satisfactory alternative, one may rely on the authorities who are lenient in this matter, and wipe off the blood or fruit juice with a cloth; according to these authorities, since the colored liquid will make the cloth dirty rather than improve it, it's not really similar to dyeing.

אסור לצבוע שום דבר אפילו בצבע שאינו מתקיים ולכן אסור לאשה לצבוע פניה ויש ליזהר כשידיו צבועות מפירות שאכל שלא יגע בבגדו מפני שצובעו וכן דם חוטמו ודם מכתו לא יקנח במפה
80:43 One shouldn't put saffron into food because it colors it. This is written in the Chayei Adam.1

1) Most authorities agree that there is no prohibition against changing the color of food on Shabbat, unless one's sole purpose is to change the color for decorative reasons. Even when one is adding the colored substance to improve the flavor, it is preferable to add the food to the coloring, and not the coloring to the food (See Mishna Berurah 320:56).

אין ליתן כרכום לתוך התבשיל מפני שצובעו כך כתוב בספר חיי אדם

80:44 It's forbidden to braid or entwine even (only) two threads, or (two) hairs (from the head) which became detached.1

1) Braiding two threads is considered ''Weaving'' - ''Oreg'' - which is one of the 39 Avot Melachot (prototype prohibited activity). Braiding two detached hairs is Rabbinically prohibited (See Mishna Berurah 303:82).

אסור לקרוע או לשזור אפילו שני חוטין או שערות התלושות

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