80:18 a coffee drink that has at its bottom (the) actual grounds that's
undesired material, and similarly any other beverage that has at its
bottom dregs or other undesired material, when pouring it out one must
be careful not to pour off the entire clear liquid, rather leave some
with the undesired material.1 The milk that curdles is forbidden to
remove, that's what's at the top and is called butterfat,2 only what is
needed for the immediate meal; and also one should be careful not to
remove all of it, rather leave some of it (floating) on the remaining
1) Pouring off the last drops and leaving behind only waste products would be considered a violation of ''Borer'' (selecting). According to the Mishna Berurah 319:55, if one's pouring in order to drink it immediately, one may pour out the entire liquid, because, as we saw before, removing the desired product from the undesirable one, for immediate use, is permissible. 2) Some texts have ''Shamenet''. 3) According to the Mishna Berurah, one may take all of the fat (or cream), as long as one takes some milk along with it, because in that case, one would not be selecting the desired from the undesired, but rather removing both together. |
משקה קפה שיש בתחתיתו ''הקפה'' ממש שהוא הפסולת וכן שאר משקה שיש בתחתיתו שמרים או שאר פסולת כשמערין אותו צריכין ליזהר שלא לערות כל הצלול אלא ישאיר מעט אצל הפסולת וחלב שהועמדה אסור לקלט מה שלמעלה הנקרא קרום רק מה שצריך לאכול עתה וגם בזה יזהר שלא ליקח הכל רק ישאיר קצת על החלב התחתונה |
80:19 If a fly or the like fell into (food or) drink, one shouldn't remove just the fly itself. Rather, one takes also some of the food or the drink and throws it away with that. |
אם נפל זבוב וכדומה לתוך המשקה לא יסיר את הזבוב בעצמו אלא יקח גם קצת מהמאכל או מהמשקה ויזרוק עמו |
80:20 If one needs to crush pepper or salt or the like to put in the
food, one may crush it with the handle of a knife against the table and
the like.1 However (it's forbidden) not with a mortar and pestle or a
1) One of the 39 Avot Melachot (prototype prohibited activity) is ''Tochen'' - grinding. Any activity that involves breaking down an item into small particles or pieces is a derivative of ''Tochen''. As is the case with other prohibited activities, doing the activity in an unusual way (in this case, with two deviations, using the handle, and doing it on the table) makes it permissible. 2) Specialized grinding instruments, such as a nut grinder, garlic press, grater or potato masher, may never be used on Shabbat. | אם צריך לדוך פלפלין או מלח וכיוצא בו לתת לתוך המאכל מותר לדוך בקתא דסכינא על השלחן וכיוצא בו אבל לא במדוכה ולא במכתשת |
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