80:15 If one has a mixture of food and undesired material, one may
select the food from within the undesired material, but not the
undesired material from within the the food. 1 Also the food is
forbidden to be selected with a utensil, but only by hand.2 And
precisely what one needs to eat immediately.3 Even with (a mixture of)
foods where one wants to select something one will eat immediately from
(all the food) remaining, one needs to be careful to select what one
wants to eat now and not to select what one wants to put aside, for what
one wants to eat now is considered as food, and what one wants to put
aside (for later) is considered to be ''undesired material''. Even to
peel garlic or onions and put them aside, is forbidden because of (the
activity of) selection. One isn't allowed to peel except what one needs
to eat immediately.4 The outer peel of a garlic head that covers all of
its segments is forbidden to be removed, even if one intends to eat the
garlic immediately, because it is considered to be (a violation of the
prohibition called) ''separating'', which is a derivative of
1) The prohibition involves not only a mixture of food and waste, but also a mixture of two different types of food, one of which is desired at that moment, the other not. Even sorting a mixture of non-food items with different functions, such as cutlery, is included in the prohibition. In addition, even items which are not actually mixed, but merely attached or piled on one another, are also considered ''mixtures'' in terms of the prohibition of ''Borer'' (selecting). 2) Use of a utensil is only forbidden when it makes the actual process of separating food from waste more efficient, for example, a strainer, an apple corer or a vegetable peeler. However, using a utensil so as to avoid soiling one's hand, or to enable one to reach an item that can't be reached with one's hands, is permissible. For example, one may remove the fish from the bone with a fork, or peel an apple with a knife (because it is difficult with one's hands). 3) ''Immediately'' includes the time period normally used to prepare for a meal. For example, if a person usually begins preparing for Shabbat lunch three hours before the meal, sorting may be performed (with the required criteria) on food needed for the meal, at any time during that three hour period. Thus, in order to remove an act from within the framework of the prohibition, one must take the food (or desired item) from the waste (or undesired item), with one's hand (or an extension of the hand, like a fork), for immediate use (or the upcoming meal); an act incorporating these criteria is defined as the natural eating process, and is not similar to the prototype activity of Borer, listed by the Mishna. 4) When it comes to peeling vegetables or fruits, removing the waste from the food is permissible, because removing the food from the waste is impossible; peeling fruits and vegetables is not considered an act of ''Borer'' but rather the regular way one eats. 5) ''Mefarek'' - separating - is a ''Toldah'' - derivative - of the ''Av Melacha'' - primary category - activity forbidden on Shabbat which is ''Dosh'' - threshing, that is, the process of removing grain from its husk. Peeling the outer shell off a garlic is similar to threshing, in that it involves removing the garlic from its natural container, and therefore it is considered to be a ''Toldah'' of ''Dosh'' (derivative of threshing) and prohibited on Shabbat. |
אוכל המעורב עם פסולת מותר לברור את האוכל מתוך הפסולת אבל לא את הפסולת מתוך האוכל וגם את האוכל אסור לברור על ידי כלי אלא דוקא ביד ודוקא מה שהוא צריך לאכול מיד ואפילו במאכלים שרוצים לברור מה שיאכלו עתה ממה שישאירו צריכין ליזהר לברור מה שרוצים לאכול עתה ולא לברור מה שרוצים להניח כי מה שרוצים לאכול עתה חשיב אוכל ומה שרוצים להניח חשיב פסולת אפילו לקלוף שום או בצלים ולהניחם אסור משום בורר ואינו מותר לקלוף אלא מה שצריכין לאכול מיד והקליפה העליונה שעל השום המסבבת כל החלקים יש לאסור להסירם אפילו לצורך אכילה מיד משום דהוי מפרק תולדה דדישה |
80:16 Even non-edible items, are included in the prohibition of
''Selecting''.1 such as utensils, and the like, Those required for
immediate use are considered the equivalent of food, and the rest are
considered the equivalent of waste products.
1) Therefore, cutlery that was mixed together after the evening meal may not be sorted to set the table for the morning meal, until preparations for that meal begin the next day. |
אפילו במידי דלאו בר אכילה שייך איסור ברירה כגון בכלים וכיוצא בו דמה שהוא רוצה להשתמש בו עתה הוי כמו אוכל והשאר הוי כמו פסולת |
80:17 One should not strain any liquids,1 because many particular laws
are involved in this matter.2 However it's allowed to drink through a
cloth, because ''Borer'' applies only when preparing food or drink
before partaking of it. In this instance, all one is doing is blocking
the undesired material so that it doesn't enter one's mouth. In any
event, drinking water through a cloth, some (authorities) forbid because
of ''Kibus''.3 One can be lenient in extreme situations, when one
doesn't have clean water to drink. 4 Nevertheless, one shouldn't drink
through one's shirt sleeve, lest one wring it out afterwards.5
1) Due to the prohibition of ''Borer'' - Selecting. 2) Regarding a water filter in the kitchen, if one would have drunk the regular tap water without the filter, then using the filter is permissible. Since the impurities do not reduce the water's drinkability, they are considered to be part of the liquid itself, and not a separate entity; therefore filtering them out is not considered an act of ''Borer'' (Shulchan Aruch, O''H, 319:10). 3) Any act of ''Kibus'' - laundering is prohibited as a ''Toldah'' (derivative) of the ''Av Melacha'' - prototype prohibited activity - ''Libun'' - bleaching - wool used for weaving. According to some, even running water through cloth in the process of drinking, is included in this prohibition. 4) Those who permit drinking through a cloth hold that since one's intention is not to wash the cloth, but rather to use it as a filter, it is not included in the prohibition of ''Laundering''. 5) Wringing water out of a fabric is considered part of the process of laundering because when the absorbed water, which certainly contains some dirt, is squeezed out, the garment is cleaner than it was before the water was removed. Therefore, it is forbidden to wring out any fabric that either absorbs or traps water. | אין לסנן שום משקה כי יש בזה כמה חילוקי דינים אבל מותר לשתות על ידי מפה דלא שייך בורר אלא במתקן הענין קודם אכילה או שתיה אבל בענין זה אינו אלא מעכב את הפסולת שלא יכנוס לתוך פיו ומכל מקום לשתות מים כך על ידי מפה יש אוסרין משום כיבוס ויש להקל בשעת הדחק כשאין לו מים נקיים לשתות ומכל מקום לא ישתה דרך בית יד מן הכתונת שלו דבזה איכא למיחש טפי שמא יסחוט |
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