80:12 It's forbidden to squeeze fruit to produce juice.1 Therefore, one
may not squeeze lemons into water to make the drink called lemonade. 2
Even sucking (the juice from) a fruit by mouth is forbidden by some.3
one should be careful, in any case, with (olives or) grapes that one
doesn't suck the juice and discard the peels.4 However, if one doesn't
need the juice produced, it's permitted to squeeze (fruits and
vegetables) them. Therefore, it's permitted to squeeze lettuce and
cucumbers, since their juice is discarded.5
1) This falls under the prohibition called ''Mefarek'', which is defined as removing a natural product from its natural container. Squeezing out liquids is called ''Sechitah''. The Biblical prohibition of Sechitah (with regard to food) applies only to grapes and olives, because the optimum use of these fruits is in the production of their juice, that is, oil and wine. However, other fruits, such as lemons and oranges, whose juices are not their ultimate form, and yet they are commonly juiced, are still subject to Rabbinical prohibition forbidding extraction of their juice. There are a few leniencies which apply to fruits which are only Rabbinically prohibited; for these fruits, extracting their juice is permitted if: a) The purpose of the extraction is to enhance the fruit OR b) The juice is being squeezed onto solid foods (for then the juice is considered ''food'' rather than ''drink'', and thus one is separating ''food'' from ''food'' - a permissible act.) OR c) one sucks it out of the fruit with one's mouth 2) However, one may squeeze the lemon juice onto sugar (as long as most of it is absorbed into the sugar), and then put the sugar into the water. 3) Those who permit it hold that sucking is not the usual way of extracting the juice, and is therefore permitted. According to these authorities, one may hold a wedge of orange or lemon in one's hand, and suck out its juice. 4) Most of the leniencies don't apply to grapes or olives, because extracting their juice is a Biblical prohibition. 5) One may even squeeze it into an empty container, provided one intends to discard it. |
אסור לסחוט פירות לצורך המשקין ולכן אסור לסחוט לימונים לתוך המים לעשות משקה שקורין לימונדה ואפילו למצוץ פרי בפיו יש אוסרין ויש ליזהר על כל פנים בענבים שלא למצוץ את המשקה ולזרוק הקליפות אבל אם אינו צריך להמשקין היוצאין מותר לסחטן ולכן מותר לסחוט חסה ומלפפונים שהמים הולכין לאיבוד |
80:13 A woman shouldn't express milk from her breast into a cup or into
a bowl and feed her child.1 She may express (into the baby's mouth) from
the milk,2 so that the baby (will be encouraged to) latch on to the
breast and nurse. It's forbidden to express milk onto anything as a
cure, if there is no danger or excessive pain involved.3
1) This falls under the prohibition called ''Mefarek'', which is defined as removing a natural product from its natural container; milking a cow is also prohibited for the same reason. 2) See Mishna Berurah 328:112. 3) If the mother herself is in pain and needs to express, she may do so with a manual breast pump, even though the milk goes into the pump before being discarded (Avnei Neizer, Orach Chaim Vol.I Resp.47) |
לא תקלח אשה חלב מדדיה לתוך הכוס או לתוך הקדרה ותניק את בנה אבל מותרת לקלח מהחלב כדי שיאחוז התינוק את הדד ויינק ואסור להתיז מחלבה על איזה דבר לרפואה במקום שאין בו סכנה ולא צערה יתרה |
80:14 It's allowed to put congealed fat on hot food even though it will
melt. Snow and hail, (however) shouldn't be crushed by hand that is, to
break them into pieces, so that they turn into water.1 However, one may
put it in a cup of wine or water to chill it, and that it will melt in
this, isn't a concern.2 One needs to be careful in winter not to wash
ones hands in water that contains snow or hail. If one does wash, one
should be careful not to rub it between ones hands, so as not to crush
it. It's allowed to break ice in order to wash in the water below it.
Preferably, one shouldn't urinate into snow.3 Similarly, one should try
not to urinate into mud or into soft dust.4
1) The source for this Halacha is the Talmud in Tractate Shabbat 51a: ''One may not crush snow or hail on Shabbat so that they melt, however one may place them in a cup or plate...'' There is a dispute among the Rishonim (early Talmudic commentators) as to the reason behind this prohibition. Rashi explains that although actively causing ice to melt is not one of the 39 categories of Biblically prohibited creative activity, the Rabbis felt it is similar in the sense that it is as if one is ''creating'' water, and thus prohibited it. The Rambam (Maimonides) however, places this prohibition in the chapter of his ''Mishna Torah'' dealing with the Biblical prohibition of extracting juice from fruits, implying that crushing ice was prohibited by the Rabbis, because one might come to squeeze fruit for its juice. The later Halachic authorities argue whether the prohibition only applies to actively crushing ice to cause melting, or whether it even applies to placing the ice near a source of heat so that it will melt on its own. The Rama (318:16) states that the custom follows the more stringent opinion, and therefore one should not place congealed fat on hot foods (speeding up the melting of anything frozen is included in this prohibition) or warm up anything on Shabbat which contains a frozen substance that will melt; however, in cases of necessity (for example, one needs the food for a Shabbat meal), one may rely on the more lenient opinion. 2) Even the more stringent opinion, which forbids placing something frozen next to a source of heat, would permit placing the ice in a drink, because the melting ice would not be not visible. 3) Of course, if it is difficult to find another place, one may urinate onto the snow. 4) This is a Rabbinical prohibition under the framework of the Biblical prohibition of ''Lisha'' (lit: kneading), which is defined as the act of binding together small particles (for example, flour) by means of a bonding agent (like water), to form one mass. | מותר ליתן שומן קרוש על מאכל חם אף על פי שהוא נימוח השלג והברד אין מרסקין אותן בידים דהיינו לשברם לחתיכות כדי שיזובו מימיו אבל נותן הוא לתוך הכוס של יין או מים כדי לצננו והוא נימוח מאליו ואינו חושש וצריך ליזהר בחורף שלא יטול ידיו במים שיש בהם שלג או ברד ואם יטול יזהר שלא ידחקם בין ידיו שלא יהא מרסק ומותר לשבור קרח כדי ליטול מים מתחתיו ולהשתין בתוך השלג טוב ליזהר אם אפשר וכן יש ליזהר שלא להשתין על גבי טיט או לתוך עפר תיחוח |
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