Audio by Ushy Fried

77:9 All who make Kiddush should drink from the cup at least a ''cheek-full'' 1 without pausing, and it is a mitzvah that everyone should taste (a liitle wine) from the Kiddush cup. One who does not drink wine because of an oath, or because it is harmful to one and the like, should not make Kiddush on the wine and rely on one of the guests drinking it. 2

1) The Shulchan Aruch 271:13 defines this measure as more than half a ''Revi'it'' - i.e., more than 43.2 cc. or more than 75 cc., according to the different opinions. Shulchan Aruch HaRav 271:24 and the Mishnah Berurah 271:68 emphasize that the figure quoted applies to the average size person, and the measure will therefore vary depending on the size of each individual's mouth. This amount was designated because it is the minimum amount necessary to provide the drinker with a sense of satisfaction.

כל המקדש ישתה מן הכוס לכל הפחות כמלא לוגמיו בלי הפסק ומצוה שיטעמו כולם מכוס של ברכה מי שאינו שותה יין מחמת נדר או מחמת שמזיק לו וכדומה אין לו לקדש על היין על סמך שישתו המסובין
77:10 The wine of Kiddush is considered as part of the meal and does not need it's own blessing after it, but is covered by the Grace after meals. 1 There are authorities who claim that it is not exempted, therefore, if possible, one should be strict and after the Grace after meals, one should bless on a cup of wine, drink a Revi'it, 2 and say the concluding blessing with the intention of including the (wine in the) Kiddush cup. 3

1) Even if no other wine was drank during the meal (Mishna Berurah 272:38). 2) 3.2 - 4.42 fluid ounces - the minimum quantity which obliges one to say a blessing after one has drunk. 3) The Shulchan Aruch 272:10 rules that the Grace after meals does indeed cover the wine of Kiddush, and this opinion is accepted almost universally today.

יין של קידוש לפי שהוא מצרכי הסעודה אינו טעון ברכה לאחריו דברכת המזון פוטרתו אך יש פוסקים דסבירא להו דאינו פוטרתו על כן אם אפשר יש לו להדר שלאחר ברכת המזון יברך על כוס יין וישתה רביעית ויברך ברכה אחרונה לפטור גם את הכוס של קידוש

77:11 On the wine (drank) during the meal, there is no need to bless, as it is covered by the blessing ''...who creates the fruit of the vine'' in the Kiddush. על היין שבתוך הסעודה אינו צריך לברך שנפטר בברכת בורא פרי הגפן שבקידוש

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