Audio by Ushy Fried

77:21 It is forbidden to be sad, Heaven forbid, over any misfortune, Heaven forbid. 1 Rather one should request mercy from the Merciful One.

1) According to the Rema 288:2, one is allowed to cry only if doing so will ease one's emotional pain.

אסור להצטער חס ושלום על איזה צרה רחמנא ליצלן אלא יבקש רחמים מבעל הרחמים
77:22 It is a mitzvah to have many fruits and delicacies and fragrant aromas, in order to complete the hundred blessings. 1 It is a mitzvah to enjoy oneself with any kind of (physical) activity from which one derives enjoyment, as it is said: ''And you shall call the Shabbat a delight''. 2

1) Since the Shabbat Shemoneh Esreh only has seven blessings, as opposed to nineteen in the weekday Shemoneh Esreh, one needs to make up those missing blessings by eating extra food and smelling fragrances, all of which require blessings. 1) Isaiah 58:13.

מצוה להרבות בפירות ומגדנות ומיני ריח כדי להשלים מאה ברכות ומצוה לענגו בכל דבר שהוא לו לעונג שנאמר וקראת לשבת עונג

77:23 After the morning meal, if one is accustomed to sleep, one should sleep. 1 However, one should not say ''I will sleep because I need to do work or set off on a journey on Shabbat night''.

1) Sleeping is included in the ways through which one may fulfill the Mitzvah of ''Oneg Shabbat'' (Physical pleasure on Shabbat). The Mishna Berurah 290:3 warns that one should not sleep more than is necessary on Shabbat afternoon so as not to waste valuable time that could be used for Torah learning.

אחר סעודת שחרית אם רגיל לישן יישן אבל אל יאמר אישן מפני שאני צריך לעשות מלאכה או ללכת בדרך בלילה

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