77:18 If there is not, for all the guests at the table, two loaves
rather before (only) one, that one can cover (the obligation of two
loaves) for all the others, and also (from) the blessing ''who brings
forth bread'' they are covered by what one blessed. 1 Before one blesses
''who brings forth bread'' one should say: ''With your permission, my
teachers and masters.'' 2 After eating from one of these loaves, one
gives to each one a piece and they eat. 3
1) The listeners must have intent to be included in this blessing, they must answer ''Amen'' to the blessing and they must eat from one of the two loaves in order to fulfill their obligation. 2) This is an expression of modesty and also serves to get the attention of the listeners. 3) The piece should be placed before them but not directly into their hands (Shulchan Aruch O.Ch 167:18). |
אם אין לכל המסובין בשלחן לחם משנה אלא לפני אחד יבצע הוא להוציא את כולם וגם בברכת המוציא יצאו במה שבירך הבוצע וקודם שיברך המוציא יאמר ברשות מורי ורבותי ולאחר שטעם הוא מפרוסת המוציא נותן לכל אחד פרוסה ואוכלים |
77:19 If one did not read the (Torah) portion on Friday, one should not
eat on Shabbat morning until one has read it. 1 If one did not read
before eating one should read, in any case, before the afternoon
prayers. After the event, (one can read it) until Tuesday night.
1) This is referring to the obligation of reading the weekly Torah portion twice in Hebrew and once with a translation (Shnayim Mikra VeEchad Targum). This obligation is discussed at length in Chapter 72, Law 11. The Mishna Berurah 285:9 adds that one should not delay the Shabbat meal until after ''Chatzot'' (Halachic Midday) on account of this Mitzvah nor should one delay the meal if there are others waiting to eat. He goes on to say that if one has not fulfilled one's obligation by the time Shabbat commences, one should get up early on Shabbat morning and complete one's reading before going to Synagogue. |
אם לא קרא הפרשה בערב שבת לא יאכל שבת בשחרית עד שיקראה ואם לא קראה קודם האכילה יקרא על כל פנים קודם מנחה ובדיעבד עד סוף יום שלישי |
77:20 It is forbidden to not eat on Shabbat by making a fast even for a
short time. Even if this is not as a fast, it is forbidden in any event
to refrain from eating up to (halachic) midday. 1
1) ''Chatzot'' or six seasonal hours into the day. Each seasonal hour is equal to one twelfth of the time from sunrise to sunset (or dawn to dark, according to others). Obviously, if one made Kiddush and ate a snack before or after the additional prayers, one may delay the main meal until after Chatzot. | אסור להתענות בשבת לשם תענית אפילו זמן קצר ואפילו שלא לשם תענית אסור על כל פנים להתענות עד חצות |
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