Audio by Ushy Fried

77:12 One who made Kiddush over a cup that one thought was wine, and afterwards found that it was water or another beverage, must go back and make Kiddush (again) over wine. 1 If there was before one, wine on the table, and it's one's intention to drink wine also during the meal, one does not need to make Kiddush again, because it is as if one made Kiddush on (this) wine. 2 If there was no wine before one on the table, but there was wine in one's house and one had the intention to drink (this) during the meal, there is no need to bless ''...who creates the fruit of the vine'', rather ''who has sanctified us...''. 3 If this cup had contained beer or ''mead'', (honey drink), and in this place it is considered ''the wine of the country'', 4 in any event, there is no need to make Kiddush again, rather bless ''by whose word all things exist'' and drink. In places where it is customary to make Kiddush after washing the hands but before having the bread, also here 5 there is no need to go back and make Kiddush. Rather, one blesses ''who brings forth bread'' and that is considered as making Kiddush over the bread. 6

1) As soon as one realizes one's error, one should say the words Blessed be the name of His glorious majesty forever and ever'' (the second line of the Shema) which is what one says whenever one has said a blessing (and therefore G-d's Name) in vain. 2) There has to be at least a ''Revi'it'' of wine on the table at the time, and one must drink a ''cheek-full'' from it immediately (that is, as soon as one realizes that there is water rather than wine in his Kiddush cup). 3) This is because one has already made a ''...who creates the fruit of the vine'' over the cup of water which one thought contained wine. The Kiddush blessing itself has to be repeated because there was no wine on the table when one said it. See also Ch. 56:7. 4) "The wine of the country" is defined as a beverage one would serve to a guest to whom one wishes to show respect (and not merely to quench his thirst) such as beer or liquors. Such a drink serves as an acceptable substitute for wine in certain circumstances, see Ch. 45:1. 5) If one discovers water rather than wine in the cup. 6) In general, when there is no wine or grape juice available, or if one doesn't like wine or grape juice, one may make Kiddush over the Challot.

קידש על הכוס סבור שהוא יין ואחר כך נמצא שהוא מים או שאר משקה יחזור ויקדש על היין ואם עמד לפניו יין על השלחן והיה דעתו לשתות יין גם בתוך הסעודה אינו צריך לקדש שנית דהוי כאלו קידש על היין ואם לא היה יין לפניו על השלחן אבל היה יין בביתו והיה דעתו לשתות בתוך הסעודה אין צריך לברך בורא פרי הגפן אלא אשר קדשנו וכו' ואם היתה הכוס של שכר או ''מעד'' מי דבש במקום שהוא חמר מדינה בכל אופן אין צריך לקדש שנית אלא יברך שהכל וישתה ובמקומות שנוהגין לקדש אחר נטילת ידים קודם בציעת הפת גם כן אין צריך לחזור ולקדש אלא מברך המוציא והוי כאלו קידש על הפת
77:13 Also during the day at the morning meal one needs to make Kiddush over the (wine) cup, 1 that is that one blesses over it ''...who creates the fruit of the vine'', and that is the Kiddush. 2 Women are also obliged to this Kiddush. Also before this Kiddush it is forbidden to taste anything, even water, like for the Kiddush at night, 3 and the most appropriate way of fulfilling the Mitzvah is to make this Kiddush also over wine in particular. If one prefers (other) alcoholic drinks and makes Kiddush over that, one also fulfills one's obligation. However, one should be careful that the cup holds a Revi'it 4 and that one drinks a cheek-full without pausing. (If one makes Kiddush over wine and wants to drink also alcoholic drinks or coffee see Chapter 49, Law 6.)

1) The reason that the Sages instituted this Kiddush is to lend significance to the morning Shabbat meal by differentiating it from weekday meals. 2) It is a widespread custom to say various Biblical passages before the blessing over the wine. See Mishna Berurah 289:2. 3) See Chapter 8, Law 2. It is permitted to drink water (and according to some, even tea and coffee) before the Shabbat morning prayers, because the obligation to say Kiddush only begins after one has completed the morning Shemoneh Esreh. 4) According to Rav Moshe Feinstein zt'l, since the morning Kiddush is only a Rabbinical enactment, one may rely on the opinion that a Revi'it is 3.3 fluid ounces.


גם ביום בסעודת שחרית צריך לקדש על הכוס דהיינו שמברך עליה בורא פרי הגפן וזהו הקידוש וגם נשים חייבות בקידוש זה וגם קודם קידוש זה אסור לטעום כלום ואפילו מים כמו בקידוש הלילה ומצוה מן המובחר שיהיה קידוש זה גם כן על היין דוקא ואם חביב לו יין שרף ומקדש עליו גם כן יוצא אך יזהר שתהא הכוס מחזיקה רביעית וישתה מלא לוגמיו בלא הפסק ואם מקדש על היין ורוצה לשתות גם יין שרף או קפה עיין לעיל סימן מ''ט סעיף ו'

77:14 Whether at night or in the day, there is no Kiddush except at the place of the meal, as it is said: 1 ''And you shall call the Shabbat a delight.'' Our sages, may their memory be for a blessing, interpreted this as, in the place where you call Shabbat, that is, (the place where) you read the Kiddush, there you will delight. If one made Kiddush at one house and ate at another house, even if at the time of making Kiddush this was one's intention, one does not fulfill (the mitzvah of) Kiddush. 2 One also needs to eat immediately after Kiddush, and if one did not eat immediately after Kiddush, one did not fulfill (the mitzvah of) Kiddush. 3 On (Shabbat) day if one does not want to eat immediately the regular meal, one can make Kiddush and eat some cake, 4 and then one needs to drink from the (Kiddush) cup a ''Revi'it'' in order to make the blessing ''for the sustenance, for the fruit of the vine'', 5 and this can be done also before the additional prayers if one feels weak. 6 A Mohel who (on Shabbat morning) needs to make a blessing over the (wine in the) ''Circumcision Cup'' and has not yet made Kiddush, 7 should drink from the cup a ''cheek-full'' 8 and an additional Revi'it. 9

1) Isaiah 58:13. 2) It is allowed to make Kiddush in one room, and then eat in another room in the same house, as long as one intended to do so at the time of the Kiddush, and one can see the other room from the room in which one is saying Kiddush. If the room one intended to eat in is not visible from the room in which one is saying Kiddush, then only in difficult circumstances may one go ahead and eat the meal there (see Shulchan Aruch and Rema 273:1, and the Biur Halachah). If one moved to another building to eat after having made Kiddush, although one has acted improperly, one need not repeat the Kiddush, provided that one can see one's place of Kiddush from the building where one eats. 3) If the delay between Kiddush and the meal was due to unavoidable circumstances or circumstances related to the meal, one does not have to repeat the Kiddush (Mishna Berurah 273:12-14). 4) One must eat a piece of cake the size of a ''K'zayit'' (an olive) : 28.8 cc. according to Shiurei Torah, 33 cc.according to the Chazon Ish. 5) It is not clear why the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch rules that even when one eats a ''K'zayit'' of cake, one must still drink a ''Revi'it'' of wine. According to most Halachic authorities, one can fulfill the obligation of ''Kiddush where one eats a meal'' by eating a K'zayit of bread, cake or other food made from one of the five species of grain (wheat, barley, spelt, oats and rye) immediately after hearing or saying Kiddush. If there is no food available, such as in the case discussed above, drinking a Revi'it of wine is considered a ''meal'' in terms of this law (according to some, the person saying the Kiddush must also drink a ''cheek-full'' of wine apart from the additional Revi'it, in order to first fulfill the obligation of Kiddush). 6) See the next law for how one may make Kiddush and eat a snack in between the morning prayers and the additional prayers even when one is not feeling weak. 7) Should have the intention that this blessing over the wine also serves as Kiddush. 8) To fulfill the Kiddush obligation. 9) To serve as the ''meal''. See also Ch. 76:8.

בין בלילה בין ביום אין קידוש אלא במקום סעודה שנאמר וקראת לשבת ענג ודרשו רבותינו זכרונם לברכה במקום שאתה קורא לשבת כלומר קריא דקידוש שם תהא עונג ואם קידש בבית זה ואוכל בבית אחר אפילו אם בשעת קידוש היה בדעתו כן אינו יוצא ידי קידוש וגם צריך לאכול מיד לאחר הקידוש ואם לא אכל מיד לאחר הקידוש לא יצא ידי קידוש וביום אף שאינו רוצה לאכול מיד סעודה קבועה יכול לקדש ולאכול קצת פת כיסנין ואז צריך לשתות מן הכוס רביעית כדי לברך ברכה על המחיה ועל פרי הגפן וזאת יכול לעשות גם קודם מוסף אם לבו חלוש ומוהל שהוא צריך לברך על כוס המילה ועדיין לא קידש ישתה מן הכוס כמלא לוגמיו ועוד רביעית

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