76:17 Even if one only started just one word of the blessing, and
remembered immediately, one must finish the whole blessing, except for
the blessing ''You favor man'', where if one had only said the word
''You'', since also the Shabbat evening and afternoon prayers, begin
''You'', therefore if in the evening or afternoon prayers, even though
one forgot it was Shabbat and started the word ''You'', with the
intention of saying ''You favor man'', and remembers immediately that it
is Shabbat, one does not need to say the blessing ''You favor man'',
rather finish (by) saying ''(You) have sanctified...''. If this happened
to one during the morning prayers, that is if the mistake occurred
because one thought it was a weekday, one needs to finish the blessing
''You favor man'', but if one knew it was Shabbat and that one needs to
say ''Moses was pleased'' but said the wrong thing through force of
habit, and said the word ''You'' one does not need to finish the
blessing ''You favor man'', rather say ''Moses was pleased''. This is
because there are in the Shabbat prayers also prayers that start ''You''
1 and it is as if one erred between parts of the Shabbat prayers since
one knew it was Shabbat and had only said the word ''You''. 2
1) The Magen Avraham holds that since the intermediary blessing in both the afternoon and evening Shemoneh Esreh begin with the word ''You'', there is no indication in his words that one actually forgot it was Shabbat, and therefore one doesn't have to complete the weekday blessing. The Shulchan Aruch, on the other hand, holds that if one indeed forgot it was Shabbat and intended to say the weekday blessing, then one must complete the weekday blessing, even during Shabbat afternoon and evening prayers (O.H 268:2 and Mishna Berurua). 2) However, if one said both words, ''You favor man'', even though one was aware it was Shabbat and did so only out of habit, one must nevertheless complete the weekday blessing. |
אפילו לא התחיל רק תיבה אחת מן הברכה ונזכר מיד צריך לגמור כל הברכה חוץ מברכת אתה חונן שאם לא אמר עדיין רק תיבת אתה כיון שגם תפלות שבת ערבית ומנחה מתחילין אתה לכן אם בתפלת ערבית או מנחה אף על פי ששכח שהוא שבת והתחיל תיבת אתה על דעת לומר אתה חונן ונזכר מיד שהוא שבת אינו צריך לומר ברכת אתה חונן אלא גומר ואומר קדשת וכו' ואם אירע לו כן בשחרית אזי אם היתה הטעות מחמת שהיה סובר שהוא חול צריך לגמור ברכת אתה חונן אבל אם ידע שהוא שבת ושצריך לומר ישמח משה אלא שנכשל בלשונו מחמת הרגלו ואמר תיבת ''אתה'' אינו צריך לגמור ברכת אתה חונן אלא אומר ישמח משה דכיון שיש בתפלת שבת גם כן תפלות שמתחילין אתה הוי ליה כמו שטעה בתפלת שבת מזו לזו מאחר שידע שהוא שבת ולא אמר עדיין רק תיבת אתה |
76:18 If one did not remember until the final (three) blessings, (that
is, from ''Be pleased, Lord our G-d'' onwards), one should stop in the
middle of the blessing where one remembered, and begin (the blessings)
of Shabbat or the festival and finish in (the proper) order. If one did
not remember until after one started to say ''may it be Your will'' one
goes back to the beginning of the (Shemoneh Esreh) prayers. 1
1) There are certain errors in the Shemoneh Esreh, such as the one discussed above, whereby once one has completed the Shemoneh Esreh without correcting the error, one must go back and repeat the entire Shemoneh Esreh from the beginning. The question is: at what point exactly is one considered to have completed the Shemoneh Esreh? Most authorities agree that the supplication we say after the Shemoneh Esreh, i.e., ''My G-d, guard my tongue'' is considered to be an extension of the Shemoneh Esreh in the sense that one would not have to return to the beginning as long as one has not completed that prayer. The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, as we see above, holds that once one has started the verse ''may it be Your will'', the Shemoneh Esreh is over, and one must go back and repeat the whole thing. However, the Mishna Berurah (118:18) seems to hold that until one has completed that verse, one does not have to go back to the beginning. Nevertheless, the Mishna Berura does hold that once one has completed that verse, one must return to the beginning, even though one has not yet taken the three steps backwards. |
אם לא נזכר עד בברכות האחרונות דהיינו מן רצה ולהלן פוסק באמצע ברכה במקום שנזכר ומתחיל בשל שבת או יום טוב וגומר כסדר ואם לא נזכר עד לאחר שהתחיל לומר יהיו לרצון חוזר לראש התפלה |
76:19 With the additional prayers, if one erred by (saying) the
intermediate blessings of week day, one stops in the middle of the
blessing where one remembered and starts the intermediate blessing of
the additional prayers, for in the additional prayers there was not a
rule from the halacha to pray all the intermediate blessings as in a
week day, rather the one (intermediate) blessing of the additional
prayers. 1
1) There is another opinion brought by the Shulchan Aruch (O.H 268:2) which holds that there is no difference between the additional prayers and the Shabbat Shemoneh Esreh regarding this particular Halacha. However the Mishna Berura (268:5) writes that according to the Acharonim (Bach, Eliyah Rabbah), one should follow the opinion which rules that if the error occurs in the additional prayers, one should stop in the middle of the blessing, because completing it might constitute a violation of the prohibition against saying an unnecessary blessing. | בתפלת המוספין אם טעה בברכות אמצעיות של חול פוסק באמצע ברכה שנזכר בה ומתחיל ברכה אמצעית של תפלת מוסף כי בתפלת מוסף לא היה כלל מן הדין להתפלל כל ברכות האמצעיות כמו בחול אלא ברכה אחת של מוסף |
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