Audio by Ushy Fried

73:10 Utensils 1 that are used to perform (forbidden Shabbat) work, e.g., a plow or the like, are forbidden to rent to a non-Jew on Friday, even though we are not required to stop the use of our utensils, nevertheless, since the Jew receives (for the use of the article) payment, and it was rented on Friday, it appears that the non-Jew is (acting) as (the Jew's) agent. On Thursday it is permitted for one to rent to him. Lending to him is permitted, even on Friday, 2 and even utensils that can be used to perform (forbidden Shabbat) work, 3 provided that the non-Jew takes them from the Jew's premises before the start of Shabbat. 4 Even if one made a condition with the non-Jew that he will loan one in return for this his utensils at another time, this is allowed, and this is not termed renting. Similarly, to rent him utensils that are not used to perform (forbidden Shabbat) work, is permitted even on Friday, provided the non-Jew takes them (from the Jew's premises) before the start of Shabbat.

1) The Hebrew word ''kalim'' can mean both utensils, such as pots and pans, and also tools. 2) Since the Jew in this case will not profit from the work performed with his property on Shabbat, people will not think that the non-Jew is acting as the Jew's agent. 3) There is an opinion among the Talmudic Sages (Beit Shammai) that it is forbidden for us to allow our utensils to be used in the performance of forbidden work on Shabbat. However, that is not the accepted ruling. 4) A Jew may not allow a non-Jew to carry an article out of his (the Jew's) house on Shabbat (into an area where carrying on Shabbat is forbidden), because people may think that the Jew instructed him to do so.

כלים שעושין בהן מלאכה כגון מחרישה וכיוצא בה אסור להשכיר לאינו יהודי בערב שבת ואף על פי שאין אנו מצווים על שביתת כלים מכל מקום כיון שהוא נוטל שכר והשכירו ערב שבת מחזי כאלו האינו יהודי הוא שלוחו וביום ה' מותר לו להשכירו ולהשאיל לו מותר אפילו בערב שבת ואפילו כלים שעושין בהם מלאכה ובלבד שיקחם האינו יהודי מביתו של ישראל קודם הכנסת שבת אפילו אם מתנה עם האינו יהודי שהוא ישאל לו עבור זאת כליו בפעם אחרת מותר ולא אמרינן כהאי גונא דהוי כשכירות וכן להשכיר לו כלים שאין עושין בהם מלאכה מותר אפילו בערב שבת כשאינו יהודי מוציאם קודם שבת
73:11 Since it is allowed to rent utensils to a non-Jew in the ways described, provided one does not take rent for Shabbat itself but rather included this in the rest of the days, for example, one rented for a month or for a week, and one says to him, for each week or for each month, ''give me such and such (an amount)'' or even for every two days or for every three days, but to take rent for Shabbat itself is forbidden, even if one rented to him for a year but reckoned each day separately, that one says, ''I am renting to you for a year or a month and for each day you will give me such and such'', even though that afterwards the non-Jew pays for all the days in one payment, it is forbidden to take the payment for the Shabbatot, because one reckoned the days separately and it is forbidden to take payment for Shabbat if it is not in a package deal. Even for utensils which are not used for (forbidden Shabbat) work, and even for rental on a room to live in, the prohibition on (receiving any) Shabbat payment applies between a non-Jew and a Jew.

הא דמותר להשכיר כלים לאינו יהודי באופנים הנזכרים דוקא כשאינו נוטל שכר שבת בפני עצמו אלא בהבלעה תוך שאר ימים כגון שמשכיר לחדש או לשבוע ואומר לו בעד כל שבוע או בעד כל חדש תתן לי כך וכך או אפילו בעד כל שני ימים או כל שלשה ימים אבל שכר שבת בפני עצמו אסור ליטול אפילו השכיר לו לשנה וחושבין ימים נפרדים שאומר אני משכיר לך לשנה או לחדש ובעד כל יום ויום תתן לי כך וכך אף על פי שאחר כך משלם האינו יהודי בעד כל הימים בבת אחת אסור ליטל שכר המגיע לשבתות כיון שמחשבין ימים נפרדים ואסור ליטול שכר שבת שלא בהבלעה אפילו בעד כלים שאין עושין בהן מלאכה ואפילו בעד חדר לדור בו ואיסור שכר שבת הוא בין מאינו יהודי בין מישראל

74:1 One should not embark on a boat on the sea less than three days before the start of Shabbat, 1 that is, from Wednesday onwards, it is forbidden. 2 However, if one is journeying for the sake of a mitzvah 3 it is permitted even on Friday.

1) There are varying opinions among the commentators as to the basis of this prohibition, however, the one accepted by the Shulchan Aruch is that travelling on the ocean upsets one's system (sea-sickness, etc.) in a way that would detract from one's enjoyment of Shabbat (Oneg Shabbat), and it can take up to three days to recover. Since this reasoning doesn't apply to travelling on a river, these restrictions wouldn't apply. (2) This is the ruling of the Magen Avraham (248:2) and the Shulchan Aruch HaRav (248:1). The Vilna Gaon, however, maintains that Shabbat is included in these three days, and so the prohibition begins on Thursday. 3) Some authorities rule that if one is going on a business trip or even to visit a friend, then it is the equivalent (within the context of this particular prohibition) of travelling to perform a mitzvah, and one may therefore embark on Friday. According to these authorities, only leaving for a vacation is prohibited less than 3 days before Shabbat.

אין מפליגין בספינה על הים פחות משלשה ימים קודם שבת דהיינו מיום ד' ואילך אסור אבל אם הולך לדבר מצוה מותר אפילו בערב שבת

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