Audio by Ushy Fried

66:12 (If) one Jew gives another an animal to raise up, (on the condition) that they divide up afterwards the profit, the laws (of this) are like (investing) money in a business. ישראל שנתן לחבירו בהמה לגדלה ושיחלקו אחר כך בריוח דינו כמו שנתן לו מעות בעיסקא
67:1 One should not be accustomed to making vows. Anyone who makes a vow is considered as if he built an altar 1 at a time when (such) altars were forbidden. 2 One who fulfills (the vow), is considered as sacrificing on it an offering which (makes him) liable for ''outside shechita''. 3 It would have been preferable 4 to seek to have the vow annulled. 5 The above applies to vows of a general nature. However, vows of consecration 6 are a mitzvah to fulfill, as it is said: ''My vows to G-d, I will fulfill'' 7 One should seek to absolve them only in times of emergency. 8

1) In the high places outside Jerusalem. 2) This is equivalent to the violation of the prohibition against sacrificing outside the Temple premises (Nedarim 22a). 3) The slaughtering of animals to be offered up on the altar was only permitted in the sanctuary and if carried out by one of the cohenim. 4) Even though he was obligated to fulfill his vow. 5) As explained in Law 8. 6) Setting aside an object or animal that you are donating to the Temple. Such an object is called ''Hekdesh'', that is set aside because it is now consecrated for a ''holy'' purpose, and cannot be used for any other purposes. 7) Psalms 116:14. 8) Vayikra Rabbah 37:4.

אל תהי רגיל בנדרים כל הנודר כאלו בונה במה בשעת איסור הבמות והמקיימו כאלו הקריב עליו קרבן שחייב משום שחוטי חוץ כי טוב יותר שישאל על נדרו ויתירו לו והני מילי בשאר נדרים אבל נדרי הקדש מצוה לקיימם שנאמר נדרי לה' אשלם ולא ישאל עליהם אלא בשעת הדחק

67:2 Similarly, one should avoid (taking) an oath. 1 However, if he erred and made an oath concerning some matter, he should not try to absolve it, rather keep his oath even though it causes him difficulty as it is said: 2 ''One who swears to his own distress and does not alter it...'' and after is written: ''Those who do these things shall never stumble.'' One should seek to absolve an oath only in times of emergency.

1) A vow or ''neder'' is something one does for oneself such as ''next week I am going to give up smoking'' is a ''neder''. An oath or ''sh'vu'ah'' is normally imposed on one by an outside agency, for example a court will ask you to take an oath that you did or did not do some action when the other party is claiming the opposite and there are no witnesses to prove it one way or the other. 2) Psalms 15:4.

וכן יתרחק מן השבועה אבל אם עבר ונשבע על איזה דבר לא ישאל עליו אלא יעמוד בשבועתו אף על פי שהוא מצטער שנאמר נשבע להרע ולא ימיר וכתיב אחריו עושה אלה לא ימוט לעולם ואין נשאלין על השבועה אלא בשעת הדחק

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