33:8 It is customary, at the time of the equinox, to place some iron on all foods and beverages.1 Regarding cooked, pickled, or salted foods, (this precaution) need not be taken.
1) See Ch. 109:9. |
נוהגין שבשעת התקופה מניחין קצת ברזל על כל המשקים ומאכלים ועל המבושלים או כבושים או מלוחים אין צריכין |
33:9 It is forbidden to eat food and drink which disgust people, or (to
eat) from filthy dishes which disgust people. Similarly, one should not
eat with dirty hands. All these are included (in the prohibition):1 ''Do
not make yourselves revolting.'' Even if one says that he (personally)
is not disgusted by these, his opinion is discounted, (and we go by) the
1) Leviticus 11:43. |
אסור לאכול מאכלים ומשקים שנפשו של אדם קצה בהם או מתוך כלים מאוסים שנפשו של אדם קצה בהם וכן לא יאכל בידים מזוהמות שכל אלו הם בכלל אל תשקצו את נפשותיכם ואפילו יאמר שאין נפשו קצה בהם בטלה דעתו אצל כל אדם |
33:10 An animal or bird that was dangerously (ill) and was ritually
slaughtered (before it died),1 though the slaughter (makes the animal)
permissible, people who are careful will be stringent and not eat these.
1) If it had died then it would be termed ''nevila'' and not be
kosher. See Ch. 64:2.
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