Audio by Ushy Fried

21:8 The musaph service, because it's time is the entire day, so, since the evening service follows it. 1 Nevertheless, (the law is that) there is no compensation (for the musaph service) at night, because the musaph prayers were instituted, 2 ''(prayer of) our lips take the place of bulls.'' Since, if its time had passed, its sacrifice (in the temple) was no longer acceptable. 3

1) You might think that the afternoon service is the compensation for musaph if omitted, but since the musaph prayers can (in principle) be prayed at any time up to the evening, the evening service is its compensation. 2) Instead of the musaph offerings, as written in Hos. 14:3. 3) So the same applies to the musaph prayers which replaced the actual sacrifices of temple times.

תפלת מוסף אף על פי שזמנה כל היום ואם כן הוי מעריב תפלה הסמוכה לה מכל מקום אין לה תשלומין בלילה משום דתפלת מוסף נתקנה ונשלמה פרים שפתינו וכיון שעבר זמנו בטל קרבנו
21:9 A person who was required to pray the morning Shemoneh Esreh twice or the afternoon services twice, (as compensation), if he is also the chazan, he fulfills his obligation when he repeats the Shemoneh Esreh out loud.

מי שהוא צריך להתפלל שחרית שתים או מנחה שתים אם הוא שליח צבור יוצא במה שהוא חוזר את התפלה בקול רם

21:10 One who was not sure if one had prayed (the Shemoneh Esreh) or not, in our times, (as (additional) prayers are not prayed as ''gifts'') one does not repeat one's prayers. 1

1) This is the rule, but the Shulchan Aruch HaRav 107:1 and the Mishna Berurah 107:2 do not accept this decision.

מי שנסתפק לו אם התפלל או לא בזמן הזה שאין מתפללין בנדבה אינו חוזר ומתפלל

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