Audio by Ushy Fried

180:3 One who loans to his acquaintance on a pledge,1 (the loan) is not cancelled. If one loaned against a pledge of land, on this there are differing laws.

1) Some item of worth which is security for the repayment of the loan, and is held by the lender.

המלוה את חבירו על המשכון אינו משמט ואם הלוהו על משכון קרקע יש בזה חילוקי דינים
180:4 A guarantor1 who paid to the lender, and before the borrower can pay the guarantor, the Shemittah year comes in, (the debt) is cancelled.

1) One who effectively takes over the loan from the lender, paying him the amount, and then has to recover the money from the borrower.

ערב שפרע למלוה וקודם שפרע לו הלוה להערב הגיע שנת השמיטה משמט
180:5 One who promised his acquaintance, that he would make an oath concerning money,1 if he was to admit (his liabilty) to him, the Shemittah year would cancel the debt, it also cancels the oath.

1) That he owes him.

מי שנתחייב לחבירו שבועה על ממון שאלו היה מודה לו היתה שביעית משמטת את הממון משמטת גם כן את השבועה

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