179:15 A borrower who comes to repay the lender through a messenger, immediately he has given the money to the messenger, the messenger acquires (title to) the money on behalf of the lender, and if the borrower regrets and wants to take the money back from the messenger, and pay him later, this is forbidden, as this is (like) borrowing without (the owner's) knowledge, also the messenger is forbidden to return it to the borrower. | לוה שבא לפרוע להמלוה על ידי שליח מיד כשמסר את המעות לידי השליח זכה השליח במעות עבור המלוה וכשהלוה מתחרט ורוצה לקחתו מיד השליח ושיפרע לו אחר כך אסור משום דהוי לוה שלא מדעת וגם על השליח יש איסור להחזירן ללוה |
180:1 The majority of halachic authorities agree that cancellation of
cash debts is conducted also in these days and even outside Israel, but
the people are accustomed to be lenient, and already have protested
against this the great teachers in Israel, may their memory be for a
blessing. Some of them tried to find some merit on the custom1 which
relies on a few (authorities) who are lenient. However, one who wants to
be particular in the mitzvot certainly is obliged to follow the ruling
of most of the authorities, may their memory be for a blessing. In
particular, he can avoid the problem, by means of a ''Prozbul''
document,2 and not come to a loss.3 The Shemittah year was in 5635
(1874-75 CE)4 and will be, G-d willing, in 5642 (1881-82 CE).
1) Of not observing this law. 2) The Prozbul was established by Hillel the Elder. The document, issued by rabbis, technically changed the status of individual private loans into the public administration, allowing the poor to receive interest-free loans before the Sabbatical year while protecting the investments of the lenders. 3) Shemittah, the Sabbatical year, occurs every seventh-year. Shemittah is like Shabbat for the land of Israel; the land ''rests'' in a fashion, similar to the way the Jewish people rests every seventh day. The Torah describes the laws of Shemittah in parshat Behar, Leviticus 25. Debts of individuals were also cancelled by the Shemittah year. 4) Later versions of the text give different Shemittah years to be contemporary with the publishing date of the particular edition. | הסכמת רוב הפוסקים דשמיטת כספים נוהגת גם בזמן הזה ואפילו בחוץ לארץ והעולם נהגו להקל וכבר הרעישו על זאת גדולי ישראל זכרונם לברכה וקצת מהם טרחו ללמד זכות על המנהג שסוכמין על קצת מקילין אבל מי שרוצה לדקדק במצות בודאי מחוייב לעשות כדעת רוב הפוסקים זכרונם לברכה ובפרט שיוכל לתקן את הדבר על ידי פרוזבול ולא יבא לידי פסידא ושנת השמיטה היתה בשנת תרל''ה ותהיה אם ירצה השם בשנת תרמ''ב |
180:2 The seventh year cancels all loans, whether a loan made orally or
a loan made in writing,1 or even a mortgage on property. One who gave to
his acquaintance money by a ''business permit'', meaning half (the
money) is a loan and half is a deposit, the half which is a loan is
cancelled,2 and the half that is a deposit is not cancelled.
1) With a ''Shtar'' - a loan document detailing the amount, interest, when due, and any other conditions. 2) On the seventh year. |
שביעית משמטת את כל מלוה בין מלוה על פה בין מלוה בשטר ואפילו יש בו אחריות נכסים ומי שנתן לחבירו מעות בתורת עיסקא שהדין הוא שחציו מלוה וחציו פקדון החצי שהוא מלוה משמטת והחצי שהוא פקדון אינה משמטת |
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