164:9 Cohanim and Levi'im are exempt from having to redeem their
(first-born) sons, even the daughter of a Cohen or the daughter of a
Levite who is married to an Israelite,1 the son is exempt from having to
be redeemed. If the daughter of a Cohen had intercourse with a non-Jew
and became pregnant from him, or even became pregnant afterwards with
permission,2 the son requires redemption, because his mother is no
longer sanctified as a Cohen's daughter due to intercourse with the
non-Jew, similarly with the other forbidden relationships which make her
1) All male Jews are divided into three categories. The Cohanim - direct descendents on the male side from Pinchas (the grandson of Aharon), the Levi'im - direct descendents on the male side from the tribe of Levi, and the rest - the Israelites. The first group retain certain privileges today, blessing the people (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim Chapter 7), first aliyah in the Toah reading (Ch. 23:9, and Ch. 78), priority in saying Grace after Meals (Ch. 45:5) and also certain limitations such as keeping away from the dead (Ch. 202). The levi'im (normally) get the second aliyah. 2) Since abortion is forbidden under Jewish law if the mother's life is not in danger, she has to have the baby in these circumstances. 3) For example, if her father, the Cohen, married a women forbidden to him, such as a divorcee or a chalitza, their daughter loses the sanctity of being a Cohen's daughter. |
כהנים ולוים פטורים מפדיון הבן ואפילו בת כהן או בת לוי נישאת לישראל הבן פטור מפדיון ואם בת כהן נבעלה לאינו יהודי ונתעברה ממנו או אפילו נתעברה אחר כך בהיתר הבן חייב בפדיון שהרי אמו נתחללה מן הכהונה על ידי בעילת האינו יהודי וכן על ידי שאר בעילת איסור שהיא מתחללת |
164:10 A woman who miscarried and afterwards gave birth to a healthy
son, needs to consult a religious authority.1
1) Whether her son needs redemption or not. | אשה שהפילה ואחר כך ילדה בן קיימא צריכין לעשות שאלה |
165:1 Every father is obliged to educate his young sons in all the
mizvot, whether a mitzvah of the Torah or a mitzvah of the Rabbis, every
mitzvah according to the understanding of the boy or the girl. Also to
separate them from every prohibited thing as said the text:1 ''Train up
a child in the way he should go...'' and if he doesn't (succeed to)
remove these things, one should hit him with a rod or the like, but not
hit him with cruel blows, like the lashes, every shrewd person will do
according to his understanding, and one especially needs to watch over
them so that they don't speak lies, and to teach them to speak the
truth, and to distance them from (making) oaths, and (the responsibility
for) these things rest on the fathers and the teachers.
1) Proverbs 22:6. | כל אב חייב לחנך את בניו הקטנים בכל המצות בין במצוה דאורייתא בין במצוה דרבנן כל מצוה ומצוה לפי דעת הקטן והקטנה וכן להפרישם מכל דבר איסור כמו שאמר הכתוב חנוך לנער על פי דרכו וגו' ואם לא יוסר בדברם יכהו בשבט וכדומה אבל לא יכהו מכות אכזריות כמו השוטים כל ערום יעשה בדעת וביותר צריכין להשגיח עליהם שלא ידברו שקרים וללמד לשונם דבר אמת ולהרחיקם מן השבועות ודברים אלו מוטלים על האבות ועל המלמדים |
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