148:1 The essential part of the wedding ceremony is that after the
Consecration (Kiddushin) one leads the groom and bride to a special room
where they will eat together in privacy. One should prevent anyone from
entering so that they are completely alone. This is the ceremony that
makes and completes the (act of) marriage.1
1) This was originally meant to be the first time the couple have relations and consummates the marriage. |
עיקר החופה מה שאחר הקידושין מוליכין את החתן והכלה לחדר מיוחד ואוכלים שם יחד במקום צנוע ויש למנוע שלא יכנס לשם שום אדם כדי שיהיה יחוד גמור וזהו החופה הקונה ועושה נישואין |
148:2 A virgin also carries out this act even if she is not available
for relations, e.g; she is in her menstrual cycle or people are going in
and out of there. (If she is in her menstrual cycle then it is necessary
that people are going in and out of there to avoid the forbidden act of
being alone (with her husband) before they have had relations for the
first time).1
1) The husband is not allowed to have relations with his wife during her menstrual cycle and for 7days after she has stopped bleeding. She then goes to the mikva (the ritual immersion pool) and can have relations with her husband. Obviously the marriage date is normally arranged taking into account the timing of her periods so that this situation does not occur. | בבתולה קונה יחוד זה אף על גב דאינו ראוי לביאה כגון שהיא נדה או שבני אדם נכנסין ויוצאין שם וכשהיא נדה בעל כרחך צריכין שיהיו בני אדם נכנסין ויוצאין שם דאם לא כן אסורין להתיחד קודם ביאה ראשונה |
148:3 In the case of a widow the consummating act is being alone and relations being possible, that is, she is (menstrually) clean, and nobody comes into there. | אבל באלמנה אינו קונה אלא יחוד הראוי לביאה דהיינו שהיא טהורה ואין אדם נכנס לשם |
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