Audio by Ushy Fried

145:12 A Cohen is forbidden (to marry) a divorced woman, a harlot,1 a Hallalah, or a Halitza.2 A harlot can be even one who was forced into having sexual relations with one who is forbidden to her and so is made into a harlot, and is (now) forbidden to a Cohen. A Hallalah is (a daughter) born to a Cohen who married a woman forbidden to him.

1) The hebrew word ''zonah'' doesn't have the same meaning as the modern day term. A ''zonah'' in halachic terms is a woman who has sexual relations with a man whom halachicly she is forbidden to marry. 2) If a married man dies without children, one of his brothers has the duty of marrying the widow and giving her children, so that his brother's line continues. If he doesn't want to marry her (he may be married already) he can perform a ceremony called ''halitza'' where the widow takes off the brother's shoe. A Cohen is fobidden to marry a woman who has undergone such a ceremony.

כהן אסור בגרושה בזונה בחללה ובחלוצה זונה היינו אפילו נבעלה באונס בעילת איסור נעשה זונה ואסורה לכהן וחללה היינו שנולדה מכהן שנשא אשה האסורה לו
145:13 Every woman who was widowed or divorced, shouldn't get married to another man, until she's waited ninety days,1 not counting the day of the divorce or the death of her husband, and not counting the wedding day. Even if she's a woman who can't have children. and her first husband was from overseas, or held in prison, there are no exceptions. Even if she had a miscarriage meanwhile, this doesn't alter things for her. Even to call someone to arrange a marriage is forbidden, unless the husband-to-be swears that he won't go into her home within this time. However, one who remarries his ex-wife doesn't need to wait.

1) This law was to ensure that she wasn't showing signs of being pregnant shortly after the second marriage, otherwise there would be a doubt whether the child was from the first husband or the second.

כל אשה שנתאלמנה או שנתגרשה לא תנשא לאיש אחר עד שתמתין תשעים יום חוץ מיום הגירושין או מיתת בעלה וחוץ מיום הנשואין ואפילו אם היא אשה שאינה ראויה ללדת ואפילו היה בעלה הראשון במדינת הים או חבוש בבית האסורין אין חילוק ואפילו הפילה נפל בינתים לא מהני לה ואפילו להתקשר בשידוכין אסורה אלא אם כן ישבע המשודך שלא יכנוס לתוך ביתה תוך הזמן אבל המחזיר גרושתו אינו צריך להמתין
145:14 If she's pregnant or breast-feeding, she shouldn't marry another man, until the baby is 12 months. Even if she delivered after she was divorced or widowed, and she hasn't yet started to breast-feed, she needs to wait. If there is a serious problem with this, a Torah sage should be consulted. אם היא מעוברת או מניקה לא תנשא לאיש אחר עד שיהא לולד כ''ד חדש ואפילו ילדה לאחר שנתגרשה או שנתאלמנה ולא התחילה להניק צריכה להמתין ואם יש איזה ענין גדול בדבר יעשה שאלת חכם

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