141:22 On (Purim) morning one comes early to the synagogue. After the Amidah (Shemoneh Esreh) half-kaddish is said,1 one reads in the Torah the passage:2 ''Then came Amalek...'' (while calling up) three men. After this half-kaddish, and after the Torah is put back (in the ark), we read the Megillah. After the concluding blessing, one does not say in the morning, (the Piyyut) ''The Lord wrecked the counsel...'' and after one has finished (the concluding blessing) ''...redeeeming G-d.'' one says ''The Jews of Shushan shouted for joy...'' (instead). (Then) one says ''Happy are those...'' and ''A redeemer shall come to Zion...'',3 full Kaddish with ''(May the prayers)...be accepted...''. Tefillin are not removed until after the Megilah reading because it's written4 that ''and glory''5 refers to the Tefillin. If there is a baby to be circumcised, one does the circumcision before the Megillah reading, because it's written ** ''...rejoicing...'' which is (refers to) circumcision. 1) Hallel is not said on Purim because though we were saved from Haman's plot, we still remained servants of King Achashverosh - Mishna Berurah 693:7 2) Ex. 17:8-16. 3) Psalm 20 which comes between these two, is not said on Purim, because it contains the word ''hardship'' which is not appropriate to Purim. 4) Megillah 16b. 5) From Esther 8:16: ''And the Jews enjoyed light, happiness, rejoicing, and glory''. | שחרית משכימין לבית הכנסת לאחר שמונה עשרה אומרים חצי קדיש וקורין בתורה בפרשת ויבא עמלק תלתא גברי ואחר כך חצי קדיש ולאחר שמכניסין את הספר תורה קורין את המגילה לאחר ברכה אחרונה אין אומרים בשחרית אשר הניא ולאחר שסיים האל המושיע אומרים שושנת יעקב וכו' ואומרים אשרי ובא לציון קדיש שלם עם תתקבל ואין לחלוץ את התפילין עד לאחר קריאת המגילה משום דכתיב בה ויקר ודרשינן אלו תפילין אם יש מילה מלין קודם קריאת המגילה משום דכתיב וששון זו מילה |
141:23 A city which was surrounded by a wall at the time of Joshua ben
Nun1 read it (the Megillah) on the 15th (of Adar),2 This is not common
in our cities.3
1) Joshua led the Jews into the Land of Israel in 1272 BCE to conquer the land. 2) As in Megillat Esther (9:19): ''Therefore, the Jews...living in UNWALLED cities celebrate the 14th day of the month of Adar,'', but doesn't say when those in walled cities should celebrate Purim. The Talmud (Megillah 2b) concludes that walled cities should celebrate on the 15th of Adar, just like Shushan, a walled city, did at the time of Purim (the battle against the enemies of the Jews in Shushan lasted one day longer than the war in other cities, and thus the victory was celebrated there on the 15th rather than the 14th - see Esther 9:15). Why should the status of a city be based on whether it had a wall at the time of Joshua's conquest rather than whether it had a wall at the time of the miracle of Purim? There are two main reasons given: a) Had it been based on whether a wall existed at the time of Purim, the great cities of the land of Israel would have to be classified as unwalled cities, because their walls lay in ruins at the time of Purim, due to the Babylonian conquest. So, by making it the time of Joshua, the cities of the land of Israel received the honor of reading with the walled cities (Jerusalem Talmud). b) Since it was Joshua who led the first battle against Amalek when the Jews left Egypt (Ex 17:8-16), the sages felt it appropriate to associate his name with the celebration of the downfall of Amalek at the time of Purim (Haman was a descendant of Amalek). 3) The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch is (of course) referring to his place and time - the Jewish communities in Europe in the late 19th Century CE. | עיר שהיא מוקפת חומה מימות יהושע בן נון קורין בה בט''ו ולא שכיחי במדינותינו |
142:1 Every person is obliged to send to at least one other person two
gifts as it is written:1 ''...sending portions, each person to his
friend'' meaning (at least) two gifts to one (person). All who send many
gifts to their friends are to be praised. In any case, it is better to
increase the gifts to the poor instead of making a bigger festive meal
or sending gifts to friends, for there is no greater and glorious joy
before the Holy One, blessed be He, than to gladden the hearts of the
poor, the orphans, and the widows. One who gladdens the hearts of these
unfortunates resembles the Divine Presence as it is said:2 ''...to
revive the spirit of the humble, to revive the heart of the
1) Esther 9:22 2) Isaiah 57:16 | חייב כל אדם לשלוח לכל הפחות לאדם אחד שתי מתנות דכתיב ומשלוח מנות איש לרעהו משמע שתי מתנות לאחד וכל המרבה לשלוח מנות לרעים הרי זה משובח ומכל מקום מוטב להרבות במתנות לאביונים מלהרבות בסעודתו ובמשלוח מנות לרעים כי אין שמחה גדולה ומפוארת לפני הקדוש ברוך הוא אלא לשמח לב עניים ויתומים ואלמנות והמשמח לב האומללים האלו דומה לשכינה שנאמר להחיות רוח שפלים ולהחיות לב נדכאים |
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