Audio by Ushy Fried

127:6 On a private fast one can wash ones face with the morning water.1

1) This is the water one uses to wash ones hands on getting up.

בתענית יחיד מותר לרחוץ את פיו במים שחרית
127:7 If he received on himself to fast without conditions, he is obliged to carry on until the appearance of three stars, even if this is Friday night.1

1) He fasted on Friday, so the fast is over when Shabbat has already started.

אם קבל עליו סתם להתענות חייב להשלים עד צאת הכוכבים אפילו בערב שבת
127:8 One who is fasting and advertises himself (to others) so as to look good, he will be punished for this. However, if he is urged to eat, he may reveal that he is fasting. המתענה ומפרסם את עצמו להתפאר הוא נענש על כך אבל אם מפצירין בו לאכול מותר לגלות שהוא מתענה

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