127:15 In the event that he is allowed to eat at a festive meal, he can stop the fast completely and is allowed to eat after that also in his home, but before the (festive) meal it is forbidden to eat, only the father of the baby on the day of the circumcision and the sandek, can eat also before the (festive) meal because this is like a Yom Tov for them. | במקום שמותרין לאכול בסעודת מצוה נפסק התענית לגמרי ומותר לאכול אחר כך גם בביתו אבל קודם הסעודה אסור לאכול רק אבי הבן ביום המילה והסנדק יכולין לאכול גם לפני הסעודה כיון שהוא כמו יום טוב להם |
127:16 However, one who eats without an annulment on the fast day,
whether unintentional or deliberately,1 must complete the fast also
after the meal, and he must fast after this on Monday, Thursday and
Monday as atonement for what he ate on the fast day, and certainly if
the fast day was due to a vow, he needs to complete his vow afterwards.
1) There are three cases discussed in halacha: ''Shogeg'' not by intention - for example you forgot that you were supposed to be fasting; ''Mazid'' deliberately - you knew you were supposed to be fasting but went ahead and ate anyway; ''Anus'' compelled or forced - you did want to fast but someone put a gun to your head and said ''eat this or else''. | אבל אם אכל שלא בהיתר ביום התענית בין בשוגג בין במזיד חייב להשלים את התענית גם לאחר האכילה ויש לו להתענות אחר כך שני חמישי ושני לכפרה על מה שאכל ביום התענית ומכל שכן אם היה יום התענית מחמת נדר שצריך להשלים נדרו אחר כך |
127:17 An individual who is fasting for a (personal) sorrow and it
passed by, or was fasting for an ill person and they became well or
died, he must complete all the fasts he took on himself. Similarly if he
took on himself fasts, or a particular commandment, until his son
becomes bar mitzvah.1 If he (the son) died before this, he needs to
carry out his vow until the time when his son would have become bar
mitzvah.2 However, if he was informed before he took on himself to fast,
the reason (for fasting) has already passed, it it would be resolving
(to fast) by mistake, and he does not need to complete.
1) We have here an example of a time limited vow. The vow holds from now until the son is 13 years and one day. 2) If he had lived. | יחיד המתענה על צרתו ועברה או שמתענה בשביל חולה ונתרפא או מת צריך להשלים כל התעניות שקבל עליו וכן אם קבל עליו תעניות או שאר מצוה עד שיעשה בנו בר מצוה ומת הבן קודם צריך הוא לקיים את נדרו עד השעה שהיה ראוי להיות בנו בר מצוה אבל אם נודע לו שקודם שקבל עליו להתענות כבר עברה הסבה דהוה קבלה בטעות אינו צריך להשלים |
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