125:6 When it gets dark and he sees the candle lit,1 he blesses ''who
creates the lights of the fire'', and in the Amida one says ''You have
favoured us''2 but one does not (bless) ''who makes a separation'' on
the cup (of wine), until after the ninth of Av, and then he (blesses)
''who makes a separation'' on the cup (of wine). However we do not bless
over the spices, nor over the (special Havdolah) candle, even though one
did not bless over it at the conclusion of Shabbat. One should warn the
members of one's household, not to do any work until he has said ''who
makes a distinction between holy and profane'' without (mentioning G-d's)
name or (His) kingship. If one forgot to say ''You have favoured us'',
there is no need to go back rather one finishes one's prayers, because
he will be (blessing) ''who makes a separation'' at the conclusion of
the ninth of Av over the cup (of wine), and should not taste (any food)
before this. If one needs to do any work, one should say first ''who
makes a distinction between holy and profane'' without (mentioning G-d's)
name or (His) kingship.
1) In front of the reader - see Ch. 124:1. 2) Referring to the Havdolah blessings over wine, a multi-wick candle and spices. The word Havdolah comes from the verb ''lehavdil'' which means to separate, and refers to the separation between the holy (Shabbat) and the profane (the weekday). As the ninth of Av is considered as a semi-festival day then certain elements of Havdolah are postponed until after the end of the fast. |
משתחשך כשהוא רואה את הנר מברך בורא מאורי האש ובשמונה עשרה אומרים אתה חוננתנו אבל אין מבדילין על הכוס עד מוצאי תשעה באב ואז הוא מבדיל על הכוס אבל אינו מברך לא על הבשמים ולא על הנר אפילו לא בירך עליו במוצאי שבת ויזהיר לבני ביתו שלא יעשו מלאכה עד שיאמרו המבדיל בין קודש לחול בלא שם ומלכות ואם שכח לומר אתה חוננתנו אין צריך לחזור אלא גומר תפלתו שהרי יבדיל במוצאי תשעה באב על הכוס ולא יטעום קודם ואם צריך לעשות מלאכה יאמר תחלה המבדיל בין קודש וכו' בלא שם ומלכות |
125:7 (Concerning) the ninth of Av that came on Shabbat and was postponed to Sunday, on the night after the fast it is forbidden (to eat) meat or (drink) wine, as on a regular (weekday) ninth of Av, because (this is also) a day of mourning, but on the following day everything is permitted immediately. | תשעה באב שחל בשבת ונדחה ליום ראשון בלילה שלאחר התענית אסורין בבשר וביין כמו בשאר תשעה באב מפני אבילות היום אבל למחר מותרין מיד בכל |
125:8 If there is a circumcision on a ninth of Av which was postponed,
it is allowed for the celebrants, namely the father of the baby, his
mother, the mohel and the sandek, to pray the afternoon service1 that is
(the service held) half an hour after midday, and then it is permitted
to (bless) ''who makes a separation'' on the cup (of wine), and to eat
and wash, but the festive meal is not held until night time. Similarly
for a timely redemption2 of a first born, the father and the Cohen
(priest) do not need to complete (the fast).3
1) This service is termed the ''Great Mincha'' because it is held in the middle or major part of the day, as opposed to the ''Small Mincha'', held about 1 hour and ten minutes before night time (three stars appearing) when the day is nearly gone or ''small''. 2) That is a redemption service for the first born which is being held on the correct day, the 31st. 3) The drinking of wine by the father and the Cohen have a greater priority than not eating on what is actually the tenth of Av. | אם יש מילה בתשעה באב שנדחה מותר לבעלי הברית דהיינו אבי הבן ואמו והמוהל והסנדק להתפלל מנחה גדולה דהיינו חצי שעה אחר צהרים ואז מותר להבדיל על הכוס ולאכול ולרחוץ אבל סעודה לא יעשו עד הלילה וכן בפדיון הבן בזמנו האב והכהן לא ישלימו |
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