Audio by Ushy Fried

122:2 It is customary not to bless ''...who has kept us in life...'' during these days, and therefore one does not buy or put on a new garment because this would require him to bless ''...who has kept us in life...''. At the redemption of (a first born) son (ceremony)1 one blesses ''...who has kept us in life...'' so as not to miss the (fulfilment of the) commandment. On a (new) fruit one should be lenient and (allow) blessing ''...who has kept us in life...'' on Shabbat, or even during the week if one would not find this (particular kind of) fruit after 9th Av. They (teachers or parents) should not chastise their students or children during these days.2

1) First born sons were originally meant to help the priests (Cohanim - Aharon and his sons) in the Sanctuary, however after the sin of the Golden Calf, the Levi'im were substituted because they had not participated in the sin. There were more first born than Lev'im then, so the fathers of the remaining first born had to pay a redemption fee to the Cohanim. This substitution was a one-time event, so all fathers of first-born sons from then on up to today, have to pay a symbolic redemption fee (which is given back or donated to charity) to the Cohen of their choice. This occurs 30 days after the birth. See Ch. 164 for more details. 2) So as not to add to their sorrow.

נוהגין שאין מברכין שהחיינו בימים אלו ולכן אין קונין ואין לובשין בגד חדש משום דהיה צריך לברך שהחיינו ועל פדיון הבן מברכים שהחיינו שלא להחמיץ את המצוה ועל פרי יש להקל לברך שהחיינו בשבת או אפילו בחול אם לא ימצא פרי זו לאחר תשעה באב לא יכו התלמידים או הבנים בימים אלו
122:3 It is also customary not to have hair-cuts during these days, neither the head hair nor the beard nor the body hair. Adults should not cut (the hair) of children. וכן נוהגין שאין מסתפרין בימים אלו לא שערות הראש ולא שער הזקן ולא כל שער שבגופו ואסור לגדולים לספר את הקטנים
122:4 The moustache, (which is) the upper part of the beard, if it interferes with eating, it seems to me that it should be permitted to shave (or trim) it up to the week of the 9th of Av. However, in the week (that) includes the 9th of Av, it should not be allowed.1

1) The Mishna Berurah allows trimming a moustache even during that week.

השפה העליונה שבזקן כל שמעכב את האכילה נראה לי דיש להתיר לגלחו עד השבוע שחל בה תשעה באב אבל בשבוע שחל בה תשעה באב יש לאסור

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