How [are we to understand the statement,] `a woman who impairs her Kethubah`? If her Kethubah was for a thousand zuz and [Her husband] said to her, `you have already received [the full amount of] your Kethubah`, and she says, `I received only a maneh`, she is not paid [the balance] unless she takes an oath. What is meant by `if one witness testifies against her that [Her Kethubah] has been paid`? If her Kethubah was for a thousand zuz and when [Her husband] said to her, `you have received [the full amount of] your Kethubah`, she replied, `I have not received it while one witness testifies against her that [the Kethubah] has been paid she is not paid unless she first takes an oath. What is meant by the expression, `from assigned property`? If [Her husband] had sold his property to others and she seeks to recover payment from the buyers, she is not paid unless she first takes an oath. What is the explanation of the expression, from the property of orphans`? If [Her husband] died and left his estate to his orphans and she seeks to recover payment from the orphans, she is not paid unless she first takes an oath. What is to be understood by `an absent husband`? If her husband went to a country beyond the sea and she seeks to recover payment in his absence, she is not paid unless she first takes an oath. R. Simeon ruled: whenever she claims her Kethubah the heirs may impose an oath upon her but where she does not claim her Kethubah the heirs can not impose an oath upon her. |
כתובות 9.8 |
If she produced a letter of divorce without a Kethubah she is entitled
to collect the amount of her Kethubah. [If she, however, produced her]
Kethubah without a letter of divorce and, while she pleads, my letter of
divorce was lost`, he pleads, `my quittance was lost`, and so also a
creditor who produced a bond of indebtedness that was unaccompanied by a
prosbul, these are not paid. R. Simeon b. Gamaliel ruled; since the time
of danger a woman is entitled to collect her Kethubah with out a letter
of divorce and a creditor is entitled to collect [his debt] without a
prosbul. |
כתובות 9.9 |
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