If she went from her husband`s grave to her father`s house, or returned to her father-in-law`s house but was not made administratrix, the heirs are not entitled to impose an oath upon her; but if she was made administratrix the heirs may impose an oath upon her in respect of [Her administration] during the subsequent period but not in respect of the past. |
כתובות 9.6 |
A woman who impairs her Kethubah is not paid unless she first takes an oath. If one witness testifies against her that [Her Kethubah] has been paid, she is not be paid unless she first takes the oath. From the property of orphans, from assigned property and [from the property of] an absent husband she may not recover [the payment of her Kethubah] unless she first takes an oath. |
כתובות 9.7 |
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