If a husband set up his wife as a shopkeeper or appointed her as his administratrix he may impose upon her an oath whenever he desires to do so. R. Eliezer said; [such an oath may be imposed upon her] even in respect of her spindle and her dough. |
כתובות 9.4 |
[If a husband] gave to his wife an undertaking in writing, `I have no claim upon you for either vow or oath`, he cannot impose an oath upon her. He may, however, impose an oath upon her heirs and upon her lawful successors. [If he wrote,] I have no claim for either vow or oath either upon you, or upon your heirs or upon your lawful successors`, he may not impose an oath either upon her or upon her heirs or upon her lawful successors. His heirs, however, may impose an oath upon her, upon her heirs or upon her lawful successors. [If the written undertaking read.] `neither I nor my heirs nor my lawful successors shall have any claim upon you or upon your heirs or upon your lawful successors for either vow or oath`, neither he nor his heirs nor his lawful successors may impose an oath either upon her or upon her heirs or upon her lawful successors. |
כתובות 9.5 |
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