If a man died and left a wife, a creditor, and heirs and he also had a deposit or a loan in the possession of others, this, R. Tarfon ruled, shall be given to the one who is under the greatest disadvantage. R. Akiba said: no pity is to be shewn in a matter of law; and it shall rather be given to the heirs, for whereas all the others must take an oath the heirs need not take any oath. |
כתובות 9.2 |
If he left produce that was detached from the ground, then whoever seizes it first acquires possession. If the wife took possession of more than the amount of her Kethubah, or a credit or of more than the value of his debt, the balance, R. Tarfon ruled, shall. Be given to the one who is under the greatest disadvantage. R. Akiba said: no pity is to be shewn in a matter of law; and it shall rather be given to the heirs, for whereas all the others must take an oath the heirs need not take any oath. |
9.3 |
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