If a woman awaiting the decision of the levir came into the possession of property, Beth Shammai and Beth Hillel agree that she may sell it or give it away, and that her act is legally valid. If she died, what shall be done with her Kethubah and with the property that comes in and goes out with her? Beth Shammai ruled: the heirs of her husband are to share it with the heirs of her father; and Beth Hillel ruled: the [zon barzel] property is to remain with those in whose possession it is, the Kethubah is to remain in the possession of the heirs of the husband, and the property which goes in and comes out with her remains in the possession of the heirs of her father. |
כתובות 8.6 |
If his brother left money, land shall be bought therewith and he shall enjoy its usufruct. [If the deceased left] produce that was detached from the ground, land shall be bought [out of the proceeds] and he shall enjoy its usufruct. [If it was still] attached to the ground, the land is to be assessed, said R. Meir, as to how much it is worth together with the produce and how much it is worth without the produce, and with the difference land shall be bought, and he shall enjoy its usufruct. The Sages, however, ruled: produce which is [still] attached to the ground belongs to him, but that which is detached from the ground passes into the ownership of him who seizes it first. If he [seized it] first he acquires ownership; and if she [seized it] first land shall be bought therewith and he shall enjoy its usufruct. If [the levir] married her she is regarded as his wife in all respects save that her Kethubah remains a charge on her first husband`s estate. |
כתובות 8.7 |
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