If a man forbade his wife by vow that she should not taste a certain fruit he must divorce her and give her the Kethubah. R. Judah ruled: if he was an Israelite he may keep her [as his wife, if the vow was for] one day, [but if for] two days he must divorce her and give her the Kethubah. If, however, he was a priest he may keep her [as his wife, if the vow was for] two days [but if for] three he must divorce her and give her the Kethubah. |
כתובות 7.2 |
If a man forbade his wife by vow that she should not make use of a certain adornment he must di vorce her and give her the Kethubah. R. Jose ruled: [this applies] to poor women if no time limit is given, and to rich women [if the time limit is] thirty days. |
7.3 |
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