Audio by Rabbi Avrohom Zucker

If a man deposited a sum of money for his [unmarried] daughter with a trustee, and [after she was betrothed] she says, `I trust my husband`, the trustee must act in accordance with the condition of his trust; so R. Meir. R. Jose, however, said: were [the trust] actually a field and she wished to sell it, would it not be deemed sold forthwith! This applies to one who is of age. In the case of a minor, however, there is no validity at all in the act of a minor.

 כתובות 6.7 
המשליש מעות לבתו, והיא אומרת נאמן בעלי עליי-- יעשה שליש מה שהושלש בידו, דברי רבי מאיר׃ אמר רבי יוסי, וכי אינה אלא שדה, והיא רוצה למוכרה; והרי היא מכורה מעכשיו׃ במה דברים אמורים, בגדולה; אבל בקטנה, אין מעשה קטנה כלום

If a man forbade his wife by vow to have any benefit from him he may, [if the prohibition is to last] not more than thirty days, appoint a steward, but if for a longer period he must divorce her and give her the Kethubah. R. Judah ruled: if he was an Israelite he may keep her [as his wife if the prohibition was for] one month, but must divorce her and give her the Kethubah [if it was for] two months. If he was a priest he may keep her [as his wife, if the prohibition was for] two months, but must divorce her and give her the Kethubah [if it was for] three.

 כתובות 7.1
המדיר את אשתו מליהנות לו-- עד שלושים יום, יעמיד פרנס; יתר מכן, יוציא וייתן כתובה׃ רבי יהודה אומר, בישראל, חודש אחד יקיים; ושניים, יוציא וייתן כתובה׃ ובכוהנות-- שניים, יקיים; ושלושה, יוציא וייתן כתובה

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