A virgin is allowed twelve months from the [time her intended] husband claimed her, [in which] to prepare her marriage outfit. And, as [such a period] is allowed for the woman, so is it allowed for the man for his outfit. For a widow thirty days [are allowed]. If the respective periods expired and they were not married they are entitled to maintenance out of the man`s estate and [if he is a priest] may also eat Terumah. R. Tarfon said: all [the sustenance] for such a woman may be given of Terumah. R. Akiba said: one half of unconsecrated food and one half of Terumah. |
כתובות 5.2 |
A levir [who is a priest] does not confer [upon his sister-in-law] the right of eating Terumah. If she had spent six months with her husband and six months with the levir, or even [if she spent] all of them with her husband less one day with the levir, or all of them with the levir less one day with her husband, she is not permitted to eat Terumah. This [was the ruling according to] an earlier Mishnah. The court, however, that succeeded ruled: a woman may not eat Terumah until she has entered the bridal Chamber. |
כתובות 5.3 |
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