A father has authority over his daughter in respect of her betrothal [whether it was effected] By money, deed or intercourse; He is entitled to anything she finds and to her handiwork; [He has the right] of annulling her vows and he receives her bill of divorce; but he has no usufruct during her lifetime. When she marries, the husband surpasses him [in his rights] in that he has usufruct during her lifetime, but he is also under the obligation of maintaining and ransoming her and to provide for her burial. R. Judah ruled: even the poorest man in Israel must provide no less than two flutes and one lamenting woman. |
כתובות 4.4 |
She remains under the authority of her father until she enters under the authority of her husband [by going into the bridal Chamber] at marriage. If her father delivered her to the agents of the husband she passes under the authority of her husband. If her father went with her husband`s agents or if the father`s agents went with the husband`s agents she remains under the authority of her father. If her father`s agents delivered her to her husband`s agents she passes under the authority of her husband. |
כתובות 4.5 |
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