If a man gave his daughter in betrothal and she was divorced, [and then] He gave her [again] in betrothal and she was left a widow, Her Kethubah belongs to him. If he gave her in marriage and she was divorced [and then] He gave her [again] in marriage and she was left a widow, Her Kethubah belongs to her. R. Judah said: the first belongs to her father. They, however, said to him: Her father, as soon as he gives her in marriage, loses all control over her. |
כתובות 4.2 |
The daughter of a proselyte woman who became a proselyte together with her mother and then Played the harlot is subject to the penalty of strangulation, but not to [stoning at] the door of her father`s house nor [does her husband pay the] hundred sela. If she was conceived in unholiness but her birth was in holiness she is subject to the penalty of stoning but not t [that of bringing her out to `the door of her father`s house`, nor [does her husband pay the] hundred sela. If she was both conceived and born in holiness she is regarded as a daughter of Israel in all respects. One who had a father but no door of her father`s house`, or a `door of her father`s house` but no father, is nevertheless subject to the penalty of stoning, [for the regulation, `to] the door of her father`s house`, was only intended as [an independent] precept. |
כתובות 4.3 |
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