Audio by Rabbi Avrohom Zucker

[A husband who] did not give his wife in writing [the following undertaking:] `the male children that will be born from our marriage shall inherit the money of thy Kethubah in addition to their shares with their brothers`, is nevertheless liable, because [this clause] is a condition laid down by Beth Din.

 כתובות 4.10
לא כתב לה, בנין דכרין דיהון ליכי מני, אינון ירתון ית כסף כתובתיך יתר על חולקהון דעם אחיהון-- חייב׃ שהוא תנאי בית דין

[Though he did not give his wife in writing the undertaking:] `the female children that will be born from our marriage shall dwell in my house and be maintained out of my estate until they shall be taken in marriage` He is nevertheless liable, because [this clause] is a condition laid down by Beth Din.

 כתובות 4.11 
בנן נוקבן דיהויין ליכי מני, יהויין יתבן בביתי ומתזנן מנכסי עד דיתנסבן לגוברין-- חייב׃ שהוא תנאי בית דין

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