He who declares, `I have seduced the daughter of so-and-so` must pay
compensation for indignity and blemish on his own evidence but need not
pay the statutory fine. |
כתובות 3.9 |
If a girl was seduced [the compensation for] Her indignity and blemish as well as the statutory fine belong to her father [to whom belongs also the compensation for] pain in the case of one who was violated. If the girl`s action was tried before her father died [all the forms of compensation] are due to her father, if her father [subsequently] died they are due to her brothers. If her father, however, died before her action was tried they are due to her. If her action was tried before she became adolescent [all forms of compensation] are due to her father; if her father [subsequently] died they are due to her brothers. If, however, she became adolescent before her action could be tried they are due to her. R. Simeon ruled.` if her father died, before she could collect [the dues] they belong to her. Her handiwork, however, and anything she finds even if she had not collected [the proceeds] belong to her brothers if her father died. |
כתובות 4.1 |
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