If a woman was imprisoned by heathens, if for the sake of money, she is
permitted to her husband, and if for the purpose of [taking her] life,
she is forbidden to her husband. |
כתובות 2.9 |
The following are believed on testifying when they are grown-up to what they have seen when they were small: a person is believed on saying ` this is the handwriting of my father.` `this is the handwriting of my teacher. `this is the handwriting of my brother: remember that that woman went out with a hinuma and uncovered head, `that that man used to go out from school to immerse in order to eat Terumah`. `that he used to take a share with us at the threshing floor, that this place was a Beth Ha-Peras.` that up to here we used to go on Sabbath. But a man is not believed when he says: so-and so had a way in this place, that man had a place of standing up and lamentation in this place. |
כתובות 2.10 |
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