If a woman says. `I was married and I am divorced`, she is believed, for the mouth that forbade is the mouth that permits. But if there are witnesses that she was married, and she says. `I am divorced`, she is not believed. If she says. `I was taken captive but I have remained clean.` she is believed, for the mouth that forbade is the mouth that permits. But if there are witnesses that she was taken captive and she says, `I have remained clean,` she is not believed. But if the witnesses came after she had married, she shall not go out. |
כתובות 2.5 |
If two women were taken captive, [and now] one says, `I was taken captive and I am pure, and the other one says. I was taken captive and I am pure.` they are not believed. But when they testify to one another, they are believed. |
2.6 |
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