If two men produced bonds of indebtedness against one another, Admon ruled; [the holder of the later bond can say to the other,] `had I owed you [any money] how is it that you borrowed from me?` the Sages, however, ruled: the one recovers his debt and the other recovers his debt. |
כתובות 13.9 |
[The following regions are regarded as] three countries in respect of matrimony: Judaea, transjordan and Galilee. [A man] may not take out [his wife with him] from one town to another or from one city to an other. Within the same country, however, he may take her out with him from one town into another or from one city into an other but not from a town to a city nor from a city to a town. [A man] may take out [his wife with him] from an inferior to a superior dwelling, but not from a superior to an inferior dwelling. R. Simeon b. Gamaliel ruled: not even from an inferior dwelling to a superior dwelling, because the [change to a] superior dwelling puts [the human body] to a [severe] test. |
כתובות 13.10 |
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