Admon laid down seven rulings: if a man dies and leaves sons and daughters, if the estate is large, the sons inherit it and the daughters are maintained [from it] and if the estate is small, the daughters are maintained from it, and the sons can go begging. Admon said, `am I to be the loser because I am a male!` R. Gamaliel said; Admon`s view has my approval. |
כתובות 13.3 |
If a man claimed from another jars of oil and [the latter] admitted his claim to [empty] jars, Admon ruled: since he admitted a portion of the claim he must take an oath, but the Sages said: the admission of the portion [of the claim] is not of the same kind as the claim. R. Gamaliel said; Admon`s view has my approval. |
כתובות 13.4 |
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