Should a widow say, `I have no desire to move from my husband`s house`, the heirs cannot tell her, go to your father`s house and we will maintain you`, but they must maintain her in her husband`s house and give her a dwelling becoming her dignity. If she said, however, have no desire to move from my father`s house`, the heirs are entitled to say to her, `if you stay with us you will have your maintenance, but if you do not stay with us you will receive no maintenance`. If she based her plea on the ground that she was young and they were young, they must maintain her while she lives in the house of her father. |
כתובות 12.3 |
So long as she lives in her father`s house [a widow] may recover her Kethubah at any time. As long, however, as she lives in her husband`s house she may recover her Kethubah only within twenty-five years, because in the course of twenty-five years she has sufficient opportunities of rendering favours corresponding [in value to the amount of] Her Kethubah; so R. Meir who laid down the ruling in the name of R. Simeon b. Gamaliel. The Sages, however, ruled: so long as she lives in her husband`s ho use [a widow] may recover her Kethubah at any time, but as long as she lives in her father`s house she may recover her Kethubah only within twenty-five years. If [the widow] died, Her heirs must mention her Kethubah within twenty-five years. |
כתובות 12.4 |
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