If a man married a wife and she made an arrangement with him that he should maintain her daughter for five years, he must maintain her for five years. If she was [subsequently] married to another man and arranged with him also that he should maintain her daughter for five years, He, too, must maintain her for five years. The first husband is not entitled to plead, `if she will. Come to me I will maintain her`, but he must forward her maintenance to her at the place where her mother [lives]. Similarly, the two husbands cannot plead, `we will maintain her jointly`, but one must maintain her and the other allow her the cost of her maintenance. |
כתובות 12.1 |
If she married her husband must supply her with maintenance and they allow her the cost of her maintenance. Should they die, their own daughters are to be maintained out of their free assets only but she must be maintained even out of assigned property, because she [has the same legal status] as a creditor. Prudent men used to write, `on condition that I shall maintain your daughter for five years while you [continue to live] with me`. |
כתובות 12.2 |
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