If the estate included prospective property, it is not [regarded] as [property held] in actual possession. R. Simeon ruled: even if there was movable property it is of no avail unless there was landed property [worth] one denar more than [ the total amount of] the two Kethubahs. |
10.3 |
If a man who was married to three wives died, and the Kethubah of one was a maneh, of the other two hundred zuz, and of the third three hundred zuz and the estate [was worth] only one maneh [the sum] is divided equally. If the estate [was worth] two hundred zuz [the claimant] of the maneh receives fifty zuz [and the claimants respectively] of the two hundred and the three hundred zuz [receive each] three gold denarii. If the estate [was worth] three hundred zuz, [the claimant] of the maneh receives fifty zuz and [the claimant] of the two hundred zuz [receives] a maneh while [the claimant] of the three hundred zuz [receives] six gold denarii. Similarly, if three persons contributed to a joint fund and they had made a loss or a profit they share in the same manner. |
כתובות 10.4 |
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