Audio by Shimi Berger

Mishnah Kinnim 3:4: [If two women brought three pairs. [The first pair they specified one bird] as a sin-offering [and specified for which woman], [and the other] as a burnt-offering [and specified for which woman], [the second pair they left] unspecified, [and the third pair they] specified [the type of offering but did not specify for which woman], if he [the Kohen did all of them above [the mid-line of the Altar] half are valid and half are invalid. If he [the Kohen] did all of them below [the mid-line of the Altar], half are valid and half are invalid. If he did half above and half below only the unspecified birds are valid and they are split between them [the women].

חטאת. ועולה. וסתומה. ומפורשת. עשה כולן למעלן מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול. כולן למטה מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול. חצין למעלן וחצין למטן אין כשר אלא סתומה. והיא מתחלקת ביניהן:

Mishnah Kinnim 3:5: Sin-offering birds that got mixed with an [equal number of] obligatory pairs [of sin-offerings and burnt offering] they are not valid, except for the number of sin-offering birds within the obligatory pairs. If the number of obligatory pairs are twice as many as the sin-offering birds, half are valid and half are invalid. If the sin-offering birds are twice as many as the obligatory [pairs] only the number of birds in the obligatory pairs are valid. Similarly, a burnt-offering that got mixed with an obligatory pair only the number of burnt-offering birds in the obligatory pairs are valid. If the number of obligatory [pairs] are twice as many as the bunt-offering [birds], half are valid and half are invalid. If the burnt-offering [birds] are twice as many as the obligatory [birds] only the number [of birds] in the obligatory pairs are valid.

חטאת שנתערבה בחובה. אין כשר אלא מנין חטאת שבחובה. חובה שנים בחטאת. מחצה כשר. ומחצה פסול. וחטאת שנים בחובה. המנין שבחובה כשר. וכן עולה שנתערבה בחובה. אין כשר אלא מנין עולות שבחובה. חובה שנים בעולה מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול. עולה שנים בחובה. המנין שבחובה כשר:

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