Audio by Shimi Berger

Mishnah Kinnim 2:5: If there were sin-offering [birds] on one side and burnt-offering [birds] on another side and [an] unspecified [pair] in the middle, and then from the middle [pair] one bird flew to one side and one bird to the other, he [the ownwe] has not lost anything, rather he should say, the one [bird] that flew to the sin-offering should be a sin offering and the one [bird] that flew to the burnt offering should be a burnt-offering. If they then returned to the middle, the birds in the middle must be left to die, and these [the sin-offering birds] are to be brought as sin-offerings and these [the burnt offering birds] are to be brought as burn-offerings. If once again it [a bird] flew from the middle [back] to the sides, they must all be left to die. One may not bring turtledoves paired with pigeons or pigeons paired with turtledoves. How so? A woman who brought as her sin-offering a turtledove and as her burnt-offering a pigeon, she must do it over and bring as her burnt-offering a turtledove. If she brought as her burnt-offering a turtledove and as her sin offering a pigeon she must do it over and bring for her burnt-offering a pigeon. Ben Azzai said we follow whichever bird is offered first. A woman who brought her sin-offering and died, her heirs must bring her burnt-offering. [If she brought] her burnt-offering and died, her heirs do not have to bring her sin offering.

חטאת מיכן ועולה מיכן. וסתומה באמצע. פרח מן האמצע לצדדין. אחד הלך ואחד הלך לא הפסיד כלום. אלא יאמר זה שהלך אצל חטאות. חטאת. וזה שהלך אצל עולות. עולה. חזר לאמצע האמצעיים ימותו. אלו יקרבו חטאות. ואלו יקרבו עולות. חזר. או שפרח מן האמצע לצדדין הרי כולן ימותו. אין מביאין תורין כנגד בני יונה. ולא בני יונה כנגד תורין. כיצד. האשה שהביאה חטאתה תור. ועולתה בן יונה. תכפול ותביא עולתה תור. עולתה תור. וחטאתה בן יונה. תכפול ותביא עולתה בן יונה. בן עזאי אומר. הולכין אחר הראשון. האשה שהביאה חטאתה. ומתה. יביאו היורשין עולתה. עולתה ומתה. לא יביאו היורשין חטאתה:

Mishnah Kinnim 3:1: In what case are the previously stated [rulings] said? If the Kohen consulted [the authorities about what to do when birds got mixed up]. But if the Kohen did not consult [the authorities], if there was one [pair] for this one [woman] and one [pair] for this one [woman] or two [pairs] for this one [woman] and two [pairs] for this one [woman] or three [pairs] for this one [woman] and three [pairs] for this one [woman], if he did all [the birds] above [the Altar's mid-line] half will be valid [offerings] and the other half will be invalid. If he did all [the birds] below [the Altar's mid line], half will be valid and the other half will be invalid. [If he did] half above and half below, those done above half will be valid and the other half will be invalid, among those done below half will be valid and the other half will be invalid.

במה דברים אמורים. בכהן נמלך. אבל בכהן שאינו נמלך. אחת לזו ואחת לזו. שתים לזו ושתים לזו. שלש לזו ושלש לזו. עשה כולן למעלה. מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול. כולן למטן. מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול. חצים למעלה וחצים למטה. את שלמעלה מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול. ואת שלמטה מחצה כשר ומחצה פסול:

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